A set of utilities to help managing a homelab
Requirements: Python 2.7+ or Python 3 with modules listed at requirements.txt
How to get started:
$ pip install -r supermicro/ipmi-updater/requirements.txt
$ python supermicro/ipmi-updater/ipmi-updater.py --help
usage: ipmi-updater.py [-h] --ipmi-url IPMI_URL --key-file KEY_FILE --cert-file CERT_FILE --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD [--no-reboot] [--log-level {0,1,2}]
Update Supermicro IPMI SSL certificate
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--ipmi-url IPMI_URL Supermicro IPMI 2.0 URL
--key-file KEY_FILE X.509 Private key filename
--cert-file CERT_FILE
X.509 Certificate filename
--username USERNAME IPMI username with admin access
--password PASSWORD IPMI user password
--no-reboot The default is to reboot the IPMI after upload for the change to take effect.
--log-level {0,1,2} Log level (0: quiet, 1: info, 2: debug)
An example usage would be similar to:
$ python supermicro/ipmi-updater/ipmi-updater.py --ipmi-url https://mysupermicrohostname --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD --key-file /path/to/private_key.pem --cert-file /path/to/cert_file.cert --log-level=1
And the output would be:
Authenticating on Supermicro IPMI!
Login succeeded.
Fetching current IPMI certificate!
There exists a certificate, which is valid until: May 14 21:58:04 2021
Uploading new IPMI certificate!
New IPMI certificate was uploaded.
Checking new IPMI certificate was properly uploaded!
New IPMI certificate is valid.
Fetching new IPMI certificate!
After upload, there exists a certificate, which is valid until: May 14 21:58:04 2021
Rebooting IPMI to apply changes!
All done!
This is pretty much the same script for IPMI certificate updater but wrapped on a Almquist shell so that it can be automated from a Synology NAS.
How to get started:
bash supermicro-ipmi-updater.sh -p PYTHON -i INSTALL_DIR -c CERT -k KEY -a USERNAME -s SECRET -u URL -v VERBOSE
# Arguments:
# -p PYTHON Python binary name, such as 'python2' or 'python3'
# -i INSTALL_DIR Temporary dir to download IPMI updater scripts
# -c CERT Filename for the new certificate file
# -k KEY Filename for the private key
# -a USERNAME Username with admin access
# -s SECRET Password for the username
# -u URL IPMI URL, including http/https
# -v VERBOSE Log level (0: quiet, 1: info, 2: debug)
This scripts copy the specified LetsEncrypt certificate issue by your pfSense into a share and then install it on your Synology DSM
How to get started:
# Arguments:
# -s LETSENCRYPT_SHARE Full share path to download the LetsEncrypt certificates into (e.g. /volume1/LetsEncrypt)
# -n CERTIFICATE_NAME Let's Encrypt certificate name as displayed on pfSense UI (e.g. SynologySSL)
# -p PFSENSE_SSH_PORT SSH port for the pfSense (e.g. -p 22)
# -u PFSENSE_USERNAME Username (with proper SSH keys) for the pfSense - cannot be 'admin' (-u synouser)
# -h PFSENSE_HOSTNAME pfSense hostame (e.g. mypfsense.lan.example.com)
This scripts installs the specified LetsEncrypt certificate issue by your pfSense from a local share into your Synology DSM
How to get started:
bash install_letsencrypt_cert_from_pfsense.sh -s LETSENCRYPT_SHARE -n CERTIFICATE_NAME
# Arguments:
# -s LETSENCRYPT_SHARE Full share path to download the LetsEncrypt certificates into (e.g. /volume1/LetsEncrypt)
# -n CERTIFICATE_NAME Let's Encrypt certificate name as displayed on pfSense UI (e.g. SynologySSL)