(Instruções em português: README.pt)
This simple project accesses the SpaceX API to get their rocket launches information.
It also contains a data selection script, that compiles some information of interest.
- Module:
- Simple data selection:
Once you cloned this repository, on its main directory do:
$ make init
from spacex_api import launches
# Returns a tuple
got_launches, header = launches.get_launches()
# Prints list of launches
Run the following:
$ python launches_summary.py
The script above will:
- Indentify the year that has most launches
- Indentify the site where most launches happened
- Retrieve the number of launches in a specificy range of years (2019, 2021)
- The above information is exported to a
file (launches_summary.xlsx
The test below will check if the API is being accessed successfully.
$ make test
To remove the module, do:
$ make remo
- This module is a simplification of SpaceX-PY
- This module's structure is based on Sample Module Repository