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This is a smart library to implements HATEOAS pattern in your RESTFul API's.

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This branch is 65 commits behind leandrocgsi/Tapioca.HATEOAS:main.

Repository files navigation


This is a smart library to implements HATEOAS pattern in your RESTFul API's, implemented based in this project.

How to use

1 - Import Tapioca.HATEOAS to your projetct

Import with command line

Install-Package Tapioca.HATEOAS -Version 1.0.4

Import with nuget package manager

Nuget Package Mannager

2 - Implements ISupportsHyperMedia in your exposed object.

namespace RESTFulSampleServer.Data.VO
    public class BookVO : ISupportsHyperMedia
        public long? Id { get; set; }
        public string Title { get; set; }
        public string Author { get; set; }
        public decimal Price { get; set; }
        public DateTime LaunchDate { get; set; }

        public List<HyperMediaLink> Links { get; set; } = new List<HyperMediaLink>();

3 - Implements your enricher with ObjectContentResponseEnricher.

namespace RESTFulSampleServer.HyperMedia
    public class BookEnricher : ObjectContentResponseEnricher<BookVO>
        protected override Task EnrichModel(BookVO content, IUrlHelper urlHelper)
            var path = "api/books/v1";
            var url = new { controller = path, id = content.Id };

            content.Links.Add(new HyperMediaLink()
                Action = HttpActionVerb.GET,
                Href = urlHelper.Link("DefaultApi", url),
                Rel = RelationType.self,
                Type = ResponseTypeFormat.DefaultGet
            content.Links.Add(new HyperMediaLink()
                Action = HttpActionVerb.POST,
                Href = urlHelper.Link("DefaultApi", url),
                Rel = RelationType.self,
                Type = ResponseTypeFormat.DefaultPost
            content.Links.Add(new HyperMediaLink()
                Action = HttpActionVerb.PUT,
                Href = urlHelper.Link("DefaultApi", url),
                Rel = RelationType.self,
                Type = ResponseTypeFormat.DefaultPost
            content.Links.Add(new HyperMediaLink()
                Action = HttpActionVerb.DELETE,
                Href = urlHelper.Link("DefaultApi", url),
                Rel = RelationType.self,
                Type = "int"
            return null;

4 - Add annotation [TypeFilter(typeof(HyperMediaFilter))] to your controller methods.

namespace RESTFulSampleServer.Controllers
    public class BooksController : Controller
        private IBookBusiness _bookBusiness;

        public BooksController(IBookBusiness bookBusiness)
            _bookBusiness = bookBusiness;

        //Add HyperMediaFilter
        public IActionResult Get()
            return new OkObjectResult(_bookBusiness.FindAll());

        //Add HyperMediaFilter
        public IActionResult Get(long id)
            var book = _bookBusiness.FindById(id);
            if (book == null) return NotFound();
            return new OkObjectResult(book);

        //Add HyperMediaFilter
        public IActionResult Post([FromBody]BookVO book)
            if (book == null) return BadRequest();
            return new OkObjectResult(_bookBusiness.Create(book));

        //Add HyperMediaFilter
        public IActionResult Put([FromBody]BookVO book)
            if (book == null) return BadRequest();
            var updatedBook = _bookBusiness.Update(book);
            if (updatedBook == null) return BadRequest();
            return new OkObjectResult(updatedBook);

        //Add HyperMediaFilter
        public IActionResult Delete(int id)
            return NoContent();

5 - Add HyperMediaFilterOptions to your startup.

    var filtertOptions = new HyperMediaFilterOptions();
    filtertOptions.ObjectContentResponseEnricherList.Add(new BookEnricher());
    filtertOptions.ObjectContentResponseEnricherList.Add(new PersonEnricher());

6 - Add a MapRoute to your route like was defined in your enricher.

    app.UseMvc(routes =>
            name: "DefaultApi",
            template: "{controller=Values}/{id?}");

7 - Enjoy

Response as JSON

Response As JSON

Response as XML

Response As XML

Suggestions are welcome. Feel free to sugest improvments.


This is a smart library to implements HATEOAS pattern in your RESTFul API's.






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