Sample Django project including automated accessibility CI tests for Django, based on Pa11y and Lighthouse, inspired by wagtail-tooling. View latest report
- django-developers discussion: Admin accessibility
- Demo report: Django admin tests report | Pa11y + Lighthouse
- Clone this repo.
pip install -r requirements.txt
./ migrate
-- may not be necessary.- ./ runserver
You can create your own superuser or use the one already existing:
- Username:
- Password:
There is already a database included with data. If you want to add more data, there is a manageent command for getting data from the Spotify API:
./ import_data <artist_id_1> <artist_id_2> ...
To use this you need to set up a Spotify app on their website and set the following environment variables:
It can take a while and it might be a good idea to fetch only one artist at a time to avoid rate limits or other issues. Not every album / track will be downloaded -- just whatever is on the first page of results for each.
- Demo site set up by @knyghty for Django development.
- Automated accessibility tests of the Django admin with Axe via Pa11y, for a range of predefined scenarios.
- Automated Lighthouse accessibility reports for all page-level scenarios.
- Bespoke report generation based on the test results.
The report is based on Axe and HTML CodeSniffer, which can only find 30 to 40% of accessibility issues. It’s very useful to use multiple tools together to find as much as possible, but they do often report the same issues.
As of now the tests are always run for the whole page without any filtering of errors, which means that page-level errors are likely to be reported on multiple pages. This is especially true for pages relying on browser automation, which are likely to show all "page load" errors, as well as those triggered by additional interactions.
The Lighthouse reports are provided for reference – a score of 100% doesn’t mean a page is accessible. Lighthouse reports are based on Axe, and as such shouldn’t contain any issue not identified elsewhere.
Requirements: nvm
, Python 3.9.
# First, clone the repository and install the Node and Python dependencies.
git clone [email protected]:thibaudcolas/django_admin_tests.git
cd django_admin_tests
nvm use
npm install
virtualenv -p python3.9 .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
# Then, set up the demo site
./ migrate
./ loaddata fixtures.json
./ runserver
# Prepare for running the test suite.
mkdir pa11y/lighthouse
mkdir pa11y/screenshots
To run the test suite:
npm run test
# And generate the report:
node pa11y/report.js
contains the list of all reported
is a high-level overview generated from the list of issues, and scenarios.screenshots/
contains the screenshots for all scenarios (including sub-state scenarios).ligthhouse/
contains the Lighthouse reports for all scenarios (including sub-state scenarios, but without any browser interaction taken into account).
Via a custom GitHub Actions workflow, this repository will automatically generate the Django admin for a given Django pull request. The generated admin HTML is stored as a git branch, for separate static file hosting to pick up.
View the latest Django admin HTML:
For a specific pull request,
- View available branches.
- If there is a branch named
preview-<PR number>
, access its admin preview athttps://preview-< PR number >
If you want to generate a preview for a specific pull request,
- Go to the CI workflow
- Click "Run workflow" and provide a pull request number.
To be refined
- Django admin
- Django admindocs
- GIS Geo Admin
- Django forms
- Default widgets
- as_p, as_ul, as_table
- Ex-contrib comments
- Ex-contrib formtools
- (PDFs?)
- Examples from Django docs
- Error pages: 404, 500, 403, 400, CSRF
- Welcome page / Default URL conf
- Static’s directory listing
- (Flatpages?)
Review a list of Django packages with a UI.
- Locally-built docs
The test suite is an unusual setup of Pa11y,
- pa11y/scenarios.js contains all of the test cases, with more metadata than strictly needed. This is to facilitate the generation of custom reports based on this metadata.
- The scenarios also inherit from their parents, grouping related scenarios for ease of understanding.
- pa11y/test.js runs the tests. The run starts by logging into the admin (only once), and each test with Pa11y is followed by a test with Lighthouse.
- The test runs produce a single JSON file with all of the issues decorated with additional metadata from the scenarios, as well as Lighthouse results.
- pa11y/report.js runs on the generated report, separately from test runs. This makes it easy to iterate on the report format.