Version {!dom 30 abr 2023 20:03:56 v7.3.6}
Tholonia: The Existential Mechanics of Awareness Copyright © 2020 Duncan Stroud
This book is an open sourced book. This means that anyone can contribute changes or updates.
This book and its on-line version are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) license, with the additional proviso that the right to publish it on paper for sale or other for-profit use is reserved to Duncan Stroud and authorized agents thereof. A reference copy of this license may be found at
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Attribution — you must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. Noncommercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes. Share Alike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original. No additional restrictions — you may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits. Notices: You do not have to comply with the license for elements of the material in the public domain or where your use is permitted by an applicable exception or limitation. No warranties are given. The license may not give you all of the permissions necessary for your intended use. For example, other rights such as publicity, privacy, or moral rights may limit how you use the material.
This git repo only holds the markdown files and some utility scripts. It does not include any images. They are all available on the website, or can be download from (link upon request). The entire book folder is about 42 gigabytes as it includes data, code, databases, etc.,
The markdown used for this book is not fully compatible with the GitHub flavor of markdown. This book was assembled with Typora (, and, as you will see if you look at the markdown pages directly on GitHub, there are some formatting options that do not display correctly. If you are going to make edits, you'll probably need Typora.
Other Notes:
Formatting is controlled by the CSS files in /Styles. The main CSS is common_book_prod.css.less
, and from this are created (by the script script).
- CSS that is used in the PDF, HTML, and ePub
- CSS embedded in the header for HTML and ePub
Overrides just for ePub
- Overrides for ePub that are embedded in the headers
Note, there is a prod/dev
flag in the script. Using dev
creates a 6.69in x 9.61in page on an A4 size paper.
The layout for the HTML and PDF is in Styles/tholonia.html5
, and for the ePub, Styles/tholonia.epub3
. These mainly control the title page.
is the these for Typora (which is by default ~/.config/Typora/themes/git.user.base.css
The kobo_extra.css
is the CSS that has to be placed in the root directory of the Kobo H2O reader (and imported with Caliber) is you want the CSS to be applied.
If you want to create the PDF, ePub, and HTML output from the markdown, take a look at python publishing script that was built to do just that. It's a bit iof a pain, and a mess, but at least it will show the arguments needed for Pandoc and PrinceXML (for Arch Linux). The somewhat convoluted publishing script process is:
- Build the various versions of the CSS form the LESS files
- Combine all the chapters in one doc. The doc must be split into chapters because it is too large for Typora to process correctly.
- Use Pandoc to create an HTML from the Markdown. This is necessary as Pandoc does some formatting that is later required for PDF
- Use prince-book to create the PDF from the HTML, which is used because Pandoc doesn't support "margin-inside" CSS property needed to gutter-only margins.
- The ePub can be made directly from the Markdown with Pandoc
- Clean up the old versions of stuff before creating new versions.
- Prepare and move all new versions to
Use 6.69in x 9.61in (16.99cm x 24.4cm) book size.
In Typora, curly brackets, ellipses, and just about anything that is not specifically alphanumeric needs to be represented with HTML codes, such as ” “ ’ ‘ π &hellips; ×
, etc., because sometimes Typora gets confused and rewrites these characters if you type them in directly. This may be a bug that gets fixed.
Latex conversion works find in MD to HTML, but fails in HTML to PDF, so any latex needs to be converted to images and manually inserted. I use to create SVG images.
Any questions can be sent to [email protected]
CIA paper:
coherence - coherent thought vs incohherent/chaotic thoubt… entropy decrese
conciouisness - Awareness vie an instance
knowledge as insight
14:00 6.8-7.5 reonance ideal for telepathy
15:20 energy entrainment: resonance defined sible enery system or same resonance
16:03 conciusness and energy
- itazach bentov(?) - prequenceis of atomns
18:30 - motions vs. rest
- holograms, re: pebble/wave as energy/water, discovery of new life forms using this technique
- “part encodes whole”
22:22 concioueness matrix: (Bohm,Pribram)
- 23:32 - intersting quote on frequencies and conciousness/information
“contrary to what everyone knows is so, it may not be the brain that peoduces conciousness - but rather conciousness that crteates tegh appearance of thebain” Keith Floyd
left/right brani = order/chaos paradigm
quantitative vs qualitative to the induction properties of elec. and mag
It may be useful to apply tests from phenomena in one context to another context. For example, what would happen if we applied the relationships between electric and magnetic fields to, say, the concepts of quantitative vs. qualitative? This may sound like this is comparing apples and oranges, which it is, but we can learn a lot about apples from oranges, i.e., they both grow on trees, have seeds, have a similar diameter and weight, sweetness, and calories, can be juiced, etc.
Let’s refer to the qualitative and quantitative properties as their respective fields. This is a easy conceptual step for quantitative properties as a traditional field is defined by a measurable unit of something (heat, force, charge,or other instances of energy) that is the effect of some cause (current, gravity, fire, etc.), and such measurements are themselves the quantitative properties of the field, albeit a field that exists in concept only. Think of the measurable data that describes the field, typically involving numerical datasets, graphs and charts, as data-field, a field that only exists in concept and consists of datasets, graphs and charts that have yet yo be filled in with measures data. From the tholonic perspective, all the data that is being measured already exists as an uninstantiated archetype, and it is the context of its instance that determines the measurable values. Gravity has a vector field, but the measure of these fields changes for every plant and star. Electric fields have force fields, which change depending on current, and so on.
Slightly more abstract is the idea of a qualitative field, which is subjective in nature and usually measure in subject concepts like good, bad, comfortable, frustrating, inspiring, depressing, etc., and other culturally relevant concepts that emerged from social contracts and mores and embedded systemic values. For example, all the political and social systems that have evolved from the concepts of natural rights and natural law, from the Magna Carta (1215) to the Declaration of Independence (1776), were systemically inclined to consider the veneration of the rights of an individual as good, and their disregard as bad, while systems built on the concepts of rule-by-law or positive law, considered anything that aided the ruling class as good, and anything that strengthened the serving class as bad. While these values are subjective and hard to measure, they are purely contextual, just as the quantitative values are contextual. The differing being the context of interactions between humans vs. the context of interactions between atomic particles. So, while the contextual labels may change, the force they are describing does not. It’s the “one man’s ceiling is another man’s floor” situation, or how rain can be a blessing or a curse, but in either case, it is still just rain.
In the electromagnetic world, an electric field always has a magnetic field associated with it, but if the electric field is not moving, the magnetic field has a power of 0. It exists, but it is empty. In this case the qualitative properties are the same whether is is empty of charged because the quality of magnetism is the same regardless of strength, which is a quantitative property.
For simplicity, let’s refer to the electric and magnetic fields as E-fields and M-fields, quantitative fields and N-fields, and qualitative fields as L-fields, or
The tholonic claim is that archetypes and concepts come before instances. In the same manner, it is the electric field that must exist before the magnetic field exists, as it is the movement of the electric field that creates the magnetic field1.
The concept and the instance have quantitative values as they can both me measured, just as a blueprint and a house can both be measured, but the effect of instantiating the concept, the qualitative value, can only me measured once there is an instance. The house gets built, but the community thinks it is the ugliest house they have ever seen, so they burn it down to preserved the property value.
Here we have one analogous property that suggests that E-fields are analogous to N-fields, which suggests that M-fields are analogous to L-fields.
Quantitative, N-field (
Qualitative, L-field (
We know that electric and magnetic fields can induce each other, but also that a moving electric field, or current, can induce a magnetic field and a magnetic field can induce a current, as this is hoe electricity is generated. How do these properties of induction apply to N-fields and M-fields?
Instances can exist without concepts, or at least is appears that way. When we say “without concepts” we are obviously referring to the human concepts, but from the tholonic view which states that tholons have their own intelligence and that Awareness and Intention are properties of existence, there are countless other intelligences that can be conceptualizing. For our example, however, the limitations of human concepts is not an obstacle.
Prior to 1677, even though dinosaurs had existed, there was no such concept as “dinosaur”. This is an example of there being in instance appearing in the context of human knowledge with no concept that preceded it. Of course, as soon as humans discovered the bones of dinosaurs, the concept came into existence. This is an example of an instance creating a concept, or an L-field (instance) inducting an N-field (concept), and just like the electromagnetic example, the L-field came first and was immediately followed by the N-field.
N-field to L-field inductions, or concept to instance, it’s just as strait forward, but is far outside our traditional understanding of reality which makes it a bit more demanding to understand and accept.
W have a number of examples where the concept came first and the instance appeared later, so this much is not surprising. These discoveries specifically refer to the structure of the Universe, not to man made discoveries and inventions.
- Black holes were conceived in the early 20th century, but weren’t discovered until the early 1970s
- Quarks were theorized in 1964, and discovered in 1968
- The expanding universe was theorized in 1920, and discovered in 1929
- The Higgs boson was theorized in 1964, and discovered in 2012
There are many such examples of a concept being born before its instance was discovered. Science will say this is common because the theory was based on solid scientific evidence so it is not al all surprising that the instance will also exist, we just have to look for it. While that is true, it does raise the question of, to what degree is reality altered by what we are searching for? The tholonic claim is that reality is not only altered by what we are searching for, it is created by where our attention is focused.
As crazy as it sounds, this suggests that if enough people seriously believed that levitation was not only possible, but had solid theories based on the the laws that were the product of the best reasoning of the day, whatever that happened to be, then eventually levitation would be discovered to be a reality. This is not simply a case of a bunch of people believing levitation was possible, because if that were the case, the attempt by around 100,000 hippies to levitate the pentagon 300 feet into the air, during a 1967 anti-Vietnam war protest, would have succeeded, but given they also promised to…
“… dye the Potomac red, burn the cherry trees, panhandle embassies, attack with water pistols, marbles, bubble gum wrappers, bazookas, girls will run naked and piss on the Pentagon walls, sorcerers, swamis, witches, voodoo, warlocks, medicine men, and speed freaks will hurl their magic at the faded brown walls” ~Abbie Hoffman, founder of the Yippie movement and protest co-organizer
…they may have just been a tad lacking in coherence, which was rare within the hippie community in general.
This come back to the topic of Awareness and Intention, as searching for very specific knowledge is about as coherent an application of Awareness and Intention that humans can realize, and as Awareness and Intention is not just the source of all energy and the purest form of energy, but the fundamental properties of creation, it’s inevitable that whatever is being searched for will eventually become instantiated within the context of its scope.
There are a bunch of laws regarding electromagnetic inductions, such as Faraday’s Laws and Lenz’s Laws. N-field/L-field experiments could be based on these laws, but first, the electromagnetic concepts like conductor, polarity, force, current would have to be equated with concepts like awareness, intention, duality, coherence, etc.
point out that the sequence actually begins AFTER the first pair of 0 and 1
dihedral angle of 70.528779 degrees, 1.23095941096 radians
Scans for all PNG images in the MD files in chapters/
, find the src PDF file in Images/pdf/
, and rebuilds the PNG image at 300 DPI but adjusted in width according to the <style="width:n"> value in the MD file.
bin/ [-f filename]
With no arguments, convert all source images in Images/pdf/
to PNG images in Images/
If argument is provided, converts only that file.
The code does not run any conversions, but prints the command to terminal. (see 9:30 for forumas)
see: SOL_loophole.ods
3 points are required to measure teh SOL, source, reflector, dest, or t1 -> t2 -> t3
this makes
N=source t1
D= reflector t2
C=destination t3
t2 = t1 + 0.5 * (t3-t1)
D= N + ((C-S)/2)
where e = teh uncertazintly in teh one way s[peed of light and can range anywhgere between 0 and 1
Einstein says e = 0.5
Muhibbullah, M. “Phase Difference between Electric and Magnetic Fields of the Electromagnetic Waves.” Optik 247 (2021): 167862. ↩