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The code is in Julia Lenguage v0.6

The files RunParallel.jl and RunParallelSlurm.jl print the same output.

The file "RunParallelSlurm.jl" is adapted to our cluster of 512 cores, BE CAREFUL with that. The "RunParallel.jl" is made for regular computer (the number of cores can be changed, but now it is 4).

"x"/result"y"Ef"z"PS"w"PV"k"_*.dat where x is the directory, y the probability of infection, z the vaccine efficacy, w the precaution of non-vaccinated people, k the precaution of vaccinated people.

"x" can be changed inside the function "dataprocess" in the file "RunParallel.jl" or "RunParallelSlurm.jl"

about the different files "*": 
- latent, symp, asymp are the temporal incidence for each infected class (for each simulation).
- R0 is the number of symptomatic infections that the first infected person generated (for each simulation).
- SympInf and AsympInf are the number of infections GENERATED by symptomatic and asymptomatic individuals (for each simulation).
- ContactGeneralMatrix is the matrix with the average number of contacts between 2 age groups if one of the individuals is susceptible.
- NumAgeGroup is the age-group number of each individual for each simulation.
- FailVector is the number of failed trails of transmission for each person (and each simulation).
- InfOrNot is 1 if the individual got infected and 0 otherwise (for each simulation).
- VacStatus is 1 if the individual was vaccinated and 0 otherwise (for each simulation).
- InfMatrix is the average number of infections that a age group (Column) generated in another one (row)
- FailMatrix is the average number of failed contacts between S-I (per simulation) that a age group (Column) had in another one (row)

--- The Number of daily contacts per individual can be generated using the file unittest.jl 

The Analysis.R has some processes that we made to create the figures and it may be adjusted to new ones.


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