Sublime Text plugin that uses Marksy API to convert between markup languages
The preferred method of installation is via Sublime Package Control.
Install via Sublime Package Control
- From inside Sublime Text, open Package Control's Command Pallet: super + shift + p.
- Type install package and press Return. A list of available packages will be displayed.
- Type Marksy Convert and press Return. The package will be downloaded to the appropriate directory.
Create a directory called Marksy Convert in the Sublime Text Packages directory for your platform Download or clone this repository to the directory you just created.
- Create a new file and type some markup, or open a markup file.
- Open the Command Pallet: super + shift + p
- Type Marksy Convert and select the markup language you want to convert your text into.
- The plugin attempts to detect the markup language you are converting from
- If the detected language is incorrect or not selected, select the proper language
- The text is automatically converted via the Marksy API and opened in a new window.
Is able to convert from:
- Markdown
- Rst
- Textile
- Html
- Mediawiki
- Jira (Confluence)
- Github (GFM)
- Markdown
- Rst
- Textile
- Html
- Mediawiki
- Jira (Confluence)
- Googlecode
- Jspwiki
- Moinmoin
- Trac
Marksy is a product of Arc90. This plugin is not a product of, directly related to, or supported by Arc90.