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Doctype Quirks vs Standard vs Superstandard

Thomas Thomassen edited this page Jul 23, 2014 · 3 revisions

When you create a HTML document, it behaves differently depending on the DOCTYPE you choose. You must choose the DOCTYPE you want to work with. For further reading:

Note! Because WebDialogs are embedded browser controls they behave differently than a normal website on Windows. Internet Explorer 8, as a browser, will default to Super Standard mode when you use Strict DOCTYPE. But when embedded as a WebBrowser object it will default to IE7 compatibility mode. Microsoft says that you have to set a registry key for the application that embeds the WebBrowser to make it use IE8 rendering mode. But of course we can't do that for Sketchup since some plugins might rely on the IE7 mode.

But what you can do is include the meta tag <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8"/>. Note that this meta tag should be placed at the top of the <head> tag.

In order to always use the latest mode, specify edge: <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"/>.

Beware that the user agent string will still report MSIE 7.0 for embedded WebBrowsers - even though you use IE8 mode. This differs from when you test the same HTML in the normal web browser where it returns MSIE 8.0. To check the rendering mode: document.documentMode.