Cathrine Falbe Pedersen and I estimate the price elasticity of electricity demand with respect to the hourly spot price, using Danish data from Energinet on 48 grid companies for each hour of the years 2016-2018 split into wholesale and retail electricity consumption.
The project is a part of the 2019 seminar course in Energy Economics held by Frederik Roose Øvlisen at University of Copenhagen, Department of Economics.
See our
Seminar paper and an overview of its main figures.
Presentation on our (preliminary) results.
Python code for scraping, cleaning, and descriping hourly data on electricity consumption and prices, wind power prognosis, temperature, sunrise and sunset. Likewise for the figures with estimation results.
Stata code for descriptive statistics and estimation of grid-level electricity consumption using a Random Effects Instrumental Variables (REIV) model.
The complete tables of estimation results including the coefficients for each of the interaction terms of the time controls:
Table 2: log wholesale electricity consumption (REIV)
Table 3: log retail electricity consumption by region, hours 17-19 (REIV)
Table 4: log retail electricity consumption in Radius, hours 17-19 (P2SLS)
Table 5: Reduced form of log spot price for DK1, business days, hours 11-15 (POLS)
Table 6: log wholesale electricity consumption, business days, hours 11-15 (FE, RE, FEIV, and REIV)
Table 7: log wholesale electricity consumption by grid, business days, hours 11-15 (POLS)
- Table 7b: Breusch-Pagan / Cook-Weisberg test for heteroskedasticity
Table 8: Reduced form of log spot price for DK2, business days, hours 11-15 (POLS)
Table 9: log wholesale electricity consumption for N1 (DK1), business days, hours 11-15
Table 10: log wholesale electricity consumption for Radius (DK2), business days, hours 11-15
Table 11: log wholesale electricity consumption by region/year, business days, hours 11-15 (REIV)
Table 12: log wholesale electricity consumption by large grid areas, business days, hours 11-15 (P2SLS)
Table 13: log retail electricity consumption by year, hours 17-19 (REIV)
This project is released under the MIT License, that is, you can basically do anything with my code as long as you give appropriate credit and don’t hold me liable.