Releases: thoughtbot/testing-rails
Releases · thoughtbot/testing-rails
Finished Book
This is the finished book. We've added a few more sections, fixed issues submitted on GitHub, and designed a brand new cover. We hope you like it!
While we consider this version content complete, we still intend to respond to GitHub issues and pull requests, and may release minor updates in the future.
Mailer Specs and More Antipatterns
New sections:
- Types of Tests - Mailer specs
- Antipatterns - Duplication
- Antipatterns - Stubbing the SUT
- Antipatterns - Testing Behavior, Not Implementation
These sections were split up and expanded:
- Antipatterns - Using Factories Like Fixtures
- Antipatterns - Bloated Factories
Javascript and Antipatterns
This adds more intermediate testing topics as well as some antipatterns:
Intermediate testing
- Levels of abstraction
- Page objects
- Continuous integration
- Testing Javascript
- False positives
makes tests brittle
More intermediate testing and antipatterns
This release keeps adding content to the "Intermediate Testing" section as well as starting the "Antipatterns" section.
Intermediate testing
- Stubbing
- Mocking
- Spies
- Isolation-testing pitfalls
- External services
- Slow tests
- Intermittent failures
- Brittle tests
and other DSL constructs- Using factories like fixtures
Intermediate testing - testing in isolation
This starts the section on intermediate testing by talking about the concept of testing in isolation. It discusses:
- What are the benefits of testing in isolation
- What is the system under test
- Faking collaborators with test doubles
Add controller and helper specs
This release adds three new sections to the book:
- Unit vs Integration testing and the Testing Pyramid
- Controller specs
- Helper specs
Add feature and model specs
v0.0.2 Releasing v0.0.2