Device driver to parse a NMEA0183 stream
This library does NOT implement the protocol parsing itself. We're using 'marnav' for this. It is instead only proposing a iodrivers_base-based class to read NMEA streams in general, and/or an AIS stream in particular (since AIS streams are a bit strange)
allows reading NMEA sentences out of any URI iodrivers_base
using namespace nmea0183;
Driver driver;
while(true) {
// Sentence is a unique_ptr<marnav::nmea::sentence>
auto sentence = driver.readSentence();
See marnav's documentation to see what you can do with marnav itself.
AIS messages on NMEA0183 are made up of multiple NMEA sentences. The AIS
does the reassembly. The assumption is that the NMEA sentences that form the
same AIS message should arrive in a short period of time.
using namespace nmea0183;
Driver ais;
while(true) {
// Sentence is a unique_ptr<marnav::ais::message>
auto message = ais.readMessage();
See marnav's documentation to see what you can do with marnav itself.
LGPLv2 or later
The easiest way to build and install this package is to use Rock's build system. See this page on how to install Rock.
However, if you feel that it's too heavy for your needs, Rock aims at having most of its "library" packages (such as this one) to follow best practices. See this page for installation instructions outside of Rock.