Added The Following...
- Updated to version 2.3.2
- Translation
- Sped up the Locale.lua
- Function L is now a table
- Fallback function added
- Command.lua /kiwiii
- Now uses Fallback
- You can now use English for commands
- You can now use translated commands
- Fixed a missed translation string
- Item Compare updated
- Now displays stat change calcs
- Basic Stats show +x attack power
- Basic Stats show crit chance
- Resistances show % increase
- etc
- Translated in all languages
- zhCN incomplete
- Some abbreviations may be incorrect
- Some words can be incorrect
- Some sentence structure may be incorrect
- Command /kiwiii without args shows settings frame
- Customize the plugin using this
- Please respect the formatting
- Failure to coop could break it
- Only relevant to strings
- Added variable item_compare_extra
- Controls basic stat changes calcs
- For you to turn off Item Compare on specifically