Simple Venn diagrams for Python 3, up to 4 sets (for more than 4 sets it is better to use UpSet plot). It will take as input a dictionary of 2-4 sets and produce a venn diagram and a txt file with element intersections.
- itertools
- matplotlib
pip install venny4py
When installed, import:
from venny4py.venny4py import *
#dict of sets
sets = {
'Set1': set(list("Harry Potter")),
'Set2': set(list("Hermione Granger")),
'Set3': set(list("Ron Weasley")),
'Set4': set(list("Severus Snape"))
- sets - disctionary of sets (required)
- out - directory to output files, default current directory
- asax - if diagram should be plotted as subplot, then provide matplotlib ax here. Default is 'False' which will plot new figure
- ext - image extension, default is 'png'.
- dpi - image resolution, default is 300 dpi.
- size - image size in inches, default is 3.5. If using custom ax through "asax" parameter, specify approximate size of subplot in inches since fontsize is dependent on this parameter.
- colors - set of colors for each set, default is "bgrc".
- line_width - control line width.
- font_size - control font size.
- legend_cols - number of legend columns, default is 2.
- column_spacing - column spacing in legend, default is 4.
- edge_color - edge colors, default is 'black'.
Check "Examples.ipynb" to see some examples.