This is an implementation of the Segment Anything predictor and automatic mask generator in Keras 3.
The demos uses KerasCV's Segment Anything model:
pip install git+
Install the required dependencies:
pip install -U Pillow numpy keras keras-cv
Install TensorFlow, JAX, or PyTorch, whichever backend you'd like to use.
To get all the dependencies and all the backends to run the demos, do:
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Use TensorFlow backend, choose any you want
import os
os.environ['KERAS_BACKEND'] = "tensorflow"
from keras_cv.models import SegmentAnythingModel
from sam_keras import SAMPredictor
# Get the huge model trained on the SA-1B dataset.
# Other available options are:
# - "sam_base_sa1b"
# - "sam_large_sa1b"
model = SegmentAnythingModel.from_preset("sam_huge_sa1b")
# Create the predictor
predictor = SAMPredictor(model)
# Now you can use the predictor just like the one on the original repo.
# The only difference is list of input dicts isn't supported; instead
# pass each input dict separately to the `predict` method.
Right now JAX and TensorFlow have large compile-time overhead. Prompt encoder
recompiles each time a different combination of prompts (points only,
points + boxes, boxes only, etc) is passed. To avoid this, compile the model
with run_eagerly=True
and jit_compile=False