Content here originally utlized for 2017 DEVNET_1223 Workshop: Automating IOS-XR with Ansible Co-authored with Tim Thomas Reference:
If not done already, generate crypto keys on the target IOS-XR device:
crypto key generate rsa
Enable SSH version 2 and set a reasonable timeout:
config t
ssh version v2
ssh timeout 120
This should be enough to try a simple command from your Ansible host. Make sure the target
device is already defined in your inventory. In this case, we'll use the raw command as
a test to pass a command over SSH to the IOS-XR CLI and dump the output. The -u
specifies the SSH username, the -k
parameter will trigger a prompt for the SSH password,
the -m
specifies to use the raw command, and the -a
provides the arguments to the
ansible <host> -u <username> -k -m raw -a "show version"
The first time you'll have to accept the SSH keys. You can also set up IOS-XR to use certificate-based authentication for SSH, but that's outside the scope of this README at the moment.
Set an SNMP community string:
ansible-playbook playbooks/set-snmpv2.yaml --extra-vars="community=cisco123”
Create a new user account:
ansible-playbook playbooks/create_user.yaml --extra-vars="newuser=bob password=cisco"
Delete an existing user:
ansible-playbook playbooks/delete_user.yaml --extra-vars="user=bob"
Allow NETCONF over SSH:
config t
ssh server netconf vrf default
ssh server netconf port 830
netconf-yang agent ssh
YDK's generate
tool can be used to create custom/targeted APIs for specific use cases. Or it
might also be needed if a particular model isn't included in what comes with YDK (like the
IETF or OpenConfig models). I ended up needing to do my own because the OpenConfig interfaces
model wasn't included.
First, you need some tools on a build server. I used Ubuntu 16.04:
sudo apt-get install python-pip zlib1g-dev python-lxml libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev python-dev libboost-dev libboost-python-dev \
libssh-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libtool-bin libboost-all-dev libboost-log-dev libpcre3-dev libpcre++-dev libtool pkg-config \
python3-dev python3-lxml cmake
Then you need to clone the YDK-Gen repository to a location on that server:
mkdir -p ~/projects/ydk
cd ~/projects/ydk
git clone
cd ydk-gen
Doing this in a virtual environment is not a bad idea, but you'll need to override where Ansible looks for the default Python interpreter. Otherwise, the generated API will need to be present in the global package list. We'll get to more on that later.
virtualenv -p python2.7 venv
source venv/bin/activate
Install YDK-Gen's module dependencies into the virtual environment (this will take a bit):
pip install -r requirements.txt
Now generate
should work. As a test:
./ --help
Generate the core API and install it:
./ --python --core
pip install gen-api/python/ydk/dist/ydk*.tar.gz
Create an API bundle description. You can use the OSPF or MACsec ones included in this repository as examples:
vi profiles/bundles/ciscolive-ansible-ospf.json
Now we're ready to generate an API from the bundle description:
./ --python --bundle profiles/bundles/ciscolive-ansible-ospf.json
You can install the generated API into the virtual environment as a test or if you're planning to use the API for something other than Ansible:
pip install gen-api/python/ciscolive_ansible_ospf-bundle/dist/ydk*.tar.gz
If you're ready to try Ansible + YDK, you can override where Ansible looks for the default Python interpreter in the virtual environment. Add the following to the inventory:
ansible_python_interpreter="/usr/bin/env python"
Now you can install YDK and your custom API (if any):
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install gen-api/python/ydk/dist/ydk*.tar.gz
pip install gen-api/python/ciscolive_ansible_ospf-bundle/dist/ydk*.tar.gz
If you don't want to use a virtual environment, then just install YDK and your custom API in the global package list:
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
sudo pip install gen-api/python/ydk/dist/ydk*.tar.gz
sudo pip install gen-api/python/ciscolive_ansible_ospf-bundle/dist/ydk*.tar.gz