##Git Procedures ####Create a New Branch (or navigate to existing)
- cd into main project folder
- to create a new branch use: git checkout -b (branchname) -if you've already created your branch: git checkout (branchname)
- make sure you have all the most current changes from master: git pull origin master
- Now you can begin working in your branch ####To Commit New Changes to Master
- git add .
- git commit -m "Commit message"
- git pull origin master
- git checkout master
- git merge (branchname)
- git push origin master
- git checkout (branchname)
- Models are ruby classes that inherit from
- Models are singular in rails
, andTodo
- Controllers are pluralized in rails
, andTodosController
- Database table names are plural in rails
, andtodos
- There is (typically) one folder in views for each model you've created. It is the pluralized version of the model name and holds all the html/erb templates for that model's controller. For example: the
model will have an action index on theUsersController
that will render theusers/index.html.erb