A seo project being coded from the ground up in order to avoid thousand-package-based mental illnesses.
Here is a site that pings the pageSpeed API and returns a value ensure you have node.js installed, and use npm to run you may have to do npm install on the directory, but unsue connect at localhost:3000
The first thing to understand are routes, which are /asdasfedf/ additions after the url. The functions that manage the routes are found in index.js
you see the router.get('/' function) function. when a user navigates to
localhost:3000 the site will "run" that function, which then uses res.render
res.render calls over to 'index'.hbs.
index.hbs contains a sort of modified layout/html kinda thing which is used
by the program to generate the webpage.
index.hbs has a forum which submits to the /tests/submit route, which goes back to the index.js file. See the function there. The /test/submit route then calls pageInsights which you can see required at the top of the page. If you to to that file you will see the functions/callback system that passes the value into the 'results' hbs view.
If you look at results.hbs, you will see the page that displays the info. notice the {{ adsfasdf }} sections in the hbf file those sections. These are "empty temp variables" that are replaced by what is passed to them by the render function, see the second-argument of the array.
This explanation will be revised, right now it's super simple.