Emoji Reaction
is a Vue3 based emoji reaction component.
Here is a demo.
A Vue3 project
Install Emoji Reaction
with npm:
npm install emoji-reaction
For version 1.x, we've got a built-in LeanCloud:
<div class="card">
:emojis="['👍', '👎', '😄', '🎉', '😕', '❤️', '🚀', '👀']"
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { EmojiReaction } from 'emoji-reaction';
But due to some easy-to-use reasons, for 2.x, LeanCloud is not built-in any more. Giving three appointed function props is needed:
<div class="card">
// request to react
// request to cancel
// request reactions to a certain key
return []
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { EmojiReaction } from 'emoji-reaction';
* emojis by default are ['👍', '👎', '😄', '🎉', '😕', '❤️', '🚀', '👀']
Related definitions:
export interface Reaction {
reaction: string;
reactors: string[];
export interface Props {
emojis?: string[];
reactor: string;
dark?: boolean;
react: (reaction: string)=>Promise<unknown>;
unreact: (reaction: string)=>Promise<unknown>;
getReactions: ()=>Promise<Reaction[]>;
For details, check this out (Take LeanCloud as an example).
What's more, we can register EmojiReaction globally:
import { createApp } from 'vue';
import App from './App.vue';
import EmojiReaction from 'emoji-reaction';
And a cdn-way is also supported:
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/emoji-reaction@latest/lib/index.min.js"></script>
:root {
--er-primary: #c4b5fd;
--er-primary-light: #ddd6fe;
--er-primary-dark: #a78bfa;