A simple BreakOut clone written using LibGDX (Java) and Box2d. It can be deployed to android, windows, ios and OSX. This project is a learning tool for myself and anyone else who wishes to learn libgdx and Box2d. I appreciate all feedback especially since parts really need to be cleaned up and refactored.
- Add an asset manager to load and clean up game objects like textures and sounds
- Improve and consolidate the level selection and screen management
- Fix ball movement to prevent flat/horizontal movement
As of now this game works and serves as a good base to learn Box2D, sprites and moving Box2D objects, and a simple Scene2D menu system. For now, I think I'm going to begin a new project. This game was meant to teach myself libGDX, Box2D, Scene2D and refresh my Java knowledge. I will now focus on building a game with the intent of releeasing it to at least the Google Play store.
- http://libgdx.badlogicgames.com/
- http://kenney.itch.io/kenney-donation (awesome game assets, donate if you can!)
- Youtuber dermetfan https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3ZN1N_OD5XZpKf9vlTHddg
- Youtuber ForeignGuyMike https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_IV37n-uBpRp64hQIwywWQ