Code (pytorch) for 'Model Adaptation through Hypothesis Transfer with Gradual Knowledge Distillation' on Office-31, Office-Home, VisDA-C. This paper has been accepted by IROS2021.
You need to download the Office-31, Office-Home, VisDA-C dataset, modify the path of images in each '.txt' under the folder './data/'.
The experiments are conducted on one GPU (NVIDIA RTX TITAN).
- python == 3.7.3
- pytorch ==1.6.0
- torchvision == 0.7.0
- First training model on the source data, Office-Home dataset is shown here.
~/anaconda3/bin/python --trte val --output ckpsmix2020r0/source/ --da uda --gpu_id 0 --dset office-home --max_epoch 50 --s 0 --seed 2020
- Then adapting source model to target domain, with only the unlabeled target data.
~/anaconda3/bin/python --cls_par 0.05 --da uda --dset office-home --gpu_id 0 --s 0 --t 1 --output_src ckpsmix2020r0/source/ --output ckpsmix2020r0/target_mix/ --seed 2020
The results of GKD is display under the folder './result/'.
The codes are based on SHOT (ICML 2020, also source-free).