Small web app which lists Gitlab projects and their build status/progress. The goal is to teach myself Elixir, Phoenix and Elm.
It works like this:
- it uses multiple
to fetch Gitlab projects, commits and pipelines periodically in different intervals - it uses Phoenix channels to broadcast projects to Elm
Dependencies: pacman -S elixir npm
Setup a Gitlab instance (API v4 required) like so:
docker run -d \
--hostname gitlab.local \
-v gitlab_data:/var/opt/gitlab \
-v gitlab_config:/etc/gitlab \
--name gitlab \
-p 80:80 \
-p 2222:22 \
Start some runners:
docker run -d --name gitlab-runner --link gitlab:gitlab.local gitlab/gitlab-runner:latest
docker run -d --name gitlab-runner2 --link gitlab:gitlab.local gitlab/gitlab-runner:latest
Then setup some projects with pipelines enabled.
Install and start the app:
mix deps.get
(cd assets && npm install)
GITLAB_URL="http://gitlab.local/api/v4" \
GITLAB_TOKEN=cw3beejlvg294zgyx58x \
GITLAB_PROJECTS="root/test,root/test2" \
mix phx.server
docker run \
-e GITLAB_URL="http://gitlab.local/api/v4" \
-e GITLAB_TOKEN=cw3beejlvg294zgyx58x \
-e GITLAB_PROJECTS="root/test,root/test2" \
-p 4000:4000 \