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IDE with embeddable DCPU-16 (spec V1.7) assembler written in Java... check out the Wiki for more details!


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(C) 2012-2013 Tobias Gierke / licensed under Apache License 2.0,

Embeddable DCPU-16 assembler written in Java

Everyone and his dog is writing assemblers for the upcoming game 0x10c game by Mojang, so I thought I'd give it a shot too...

screenshot Features

  • Fully supports DCPU-spec 1.7

  • this assembler is intended to be embedded in an editor/IDE so it contains all the necessary hooks along with support for navigating from source code to AST nodes and vice versa

  • Expression support

    Currently supported operators are () + - * / % << >>

                      SET A , (((0xff+0b1011)*2+label1+label2)) << 4
                      SET B , [ 1+2+label1+A+label2] 
  • Generates short-form opcodes for both literal values and labels (multi-pass assembler)

  • Support for local labels (currently disabled by default, pass '--local-labels' to compiler Main)

  • Constants supported ( .equ or #define )

  • Supports hexadecimal (0xdeadbeef) , binary (b101111) and decimal number literals

  • Supports setting up uninitialized memory of a specific size using '.bss ' or "reserve " keywords

  • Supports setting up initialized memory with byte / word size (using '.byte' or 'dat')

  • Supports 16-bit character literals

  • Supports source includes via '.include "somesource.dasm16" ' or ' .incsource "somesource.dasm16" '

  • Supports including binary files via '.incbin "pic.jpg"



  • Java >= 1.7
  • Maven 2.2.1

Simply running

mvn install

will create a self-executable JAR (jasm16.jar) inside the /target folder.


java -jar jasm16.jar <compiler options>

to actually run the compiler.

Running the compiler from the command-line

Usage: [options] [-o <output file>] source1 source2 ...

-o                          => output file to write generated assembly code to, otherwise code will be written to source.dcpu16
-d or --debug               => print debug output
--print                     => print formatted source code along with hex dump of generated assembly
--print-symbols             => print symbol table
--local-labels              => treat identifiers starting with a dot ('.') as local labels
--disable-literal-inlining  => disable inlining of literals -1 ... 30
--dump                      => instead of writing generated object code to a file, write a hexdump to std out
--relaxed-parsing           => relaxed parsing (instructions are parsed case-insensitive)
--relaxed-validation        => out-of-range values only cause a warning)
-v or --verbose             => print more verbose output during compilation

Assembler syntax reference

  • Labels are CASE-SENSITIVE

  • Instructions need to be written in upper-case (unless you compile with '--relaxed-parsing')

  • supported label styles are:

.label :label label: .localLabel :.localLabel

Note that support for local labels needs to be enabled explicitly.

  • Supported number literals:
  • Indirect addressing uses angle brackets
  SET [0x2000] , 1
  SET [0x2000+A],1
  • Offsets, addresses and immediate values may be calculated using more or less arbitrary expressions

  • Supported expression operators are + - * / % << >> (with operator precedence according to C standard)

  • character literals need to be enclosed in either single or double quotes (")

  .dat "Hello world"

Characters inside string literals may be escaped using a backslash.

  • to define custom constants, use
.equ IDENTIFIER 1+2*3+37 << 3 ; arbitary expressions that may involve labels and other constants

- to create memory initialized with byte-sized values, use

.byte 0x01,0x02, 1+2 , 3*label+0x27 , IDENTIFIER

- to create memory initialized with word-sized values, use either

.word 0xdead,0xbeef .dat 0xdead,0xbeef dat 0xdead,0xbeef

- to create uninitialized memory of a specific size, use

.bss 1024 ; 1k of memory initialized to 0 reserve 1024 ; 1k of memory initialized to 0

- to include binary data from a file, use '.incbin "filename"'

- to include another source file, use '.include "filename"' or 'include "filename"'


IDE with embeddable DCPU-16 (spec V1.7) assembler written in Java... check out the Wiki for more details!







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