in this repo refers to the name of the Kuberentes environment and project.
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Relevant Links
- Argo CD Autopilot - argocd-autopilot.readthedocs.io
- Codefresh Hub for Argo - codefresh.io/argohub
- Cosign Workflow Template - codefresh.io/argohub/workflow-template/cosign
- SigStore Cosign - github.com/sigstore/cosign
- OPA Gatekeeper - open-policy-agent.github.io/gatekeeper
- Kyverno - kyverno.io
- Kyverno w/Argo CD - medium.com/@charled.breteche/using-kyverno-policies-with-argocd-1a600c1b249
- Argo CD Dependency Mgmt - codefresh.io/blog/argo-cd-application-dependencies
- Codefresh - codefresh.io
- GitOps - opengitops.dev
- GitOps with Argo CD Certification - codefresh.io/argo/get-certified