The fastest way to host Wordpress on a VPS and make it publicly accessible. Includes backup and restore scripts.
installs Docker and docker-compose, creates all necessary folders, then builds and starts the following applications using Docker:
- Wordpress [port 3070/8081]
- Nginx Proxy Manager [port 80/81/443]
- Portainer [port 9000]
Each application runs in a Docker stack using docker-compose. Each container's data is persisted using docker volume bind mounts. The /home/administrator/backups
folder contains all backups.
The setup process consists of BOTH an initial automated setup script and a series of manual steps.
- Ubuntu 20.04 LTS server with at least 1GB of RAM and 20GB of storage
sudo useradd -m -p $(openssl passwd -1 [NEW PASSWORD]) administrator
cd /home/administrator
git clone
cd wordpresto
nano .env
to set a unique, secure password for the Wordpress and Nginx Proxy Manager databases. You can also change the Docker container ports.sudo sh
orsudo sh
if Docker is already installed on the machine.- Follow the manual steps specified below.
- Visit
- Create new account with username
Log in as the default admin user
Change the default login email and password
Learn more about Ngnix Proxy Manger.
You can transfer the backup data from one environment to another.
[optional] Run this command on the host you want to copy data from, and specify the host IP address that you want to copy the backups to.
sh /home/administrator/wordpresto/scripts/ [host ip address]
Copy database backup .sql file to
Restore the database by running
sudo sh /home/administrator/wordpresto/scripts/restore/
Copy upload backup tar file to
Restore the uploads by running
sudo sh /home/administrator/wordpresto/scripts/restore/
You can develop your WordPress website locally before transfering it to the production server.
For Linux users, you can use the same non-local scripts that are used in production. If you are using Windows or MacOS, use the following scripts.
For local development, only WordPress, the WordPress DB, and PHPMyAdmin containers are started.
sh scripts/
Locally, backups will be saved in to ./backups
Backup the WordPress database
sh scripts/backup/
Backup wp-content
sh scripts/backup/
Copy the database backup .sql file to
Restore the database by running
sh ./wordpresto/scripts/restore/
Copy upload backup tar file to
Restore the uploads by running
sh ./wordpresto/scripts/restore/
Avoid SSH errors after rebuilding a VM you previously connected to. Use this command to remove entries from known_hosts:
ssh-keygen -R hostname
Make sure the firewall is allowing connections from your IP.