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PUDS - Pihole Unbound DNS Stack


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Pihole + Unbound - DNS Stack


Why, How & What


DNS Security is the practice of protecting DNS infrastructure from cyberattacks in order to keep it performing quickly and reliably. Most of the DNS queries in the internet are unencrypted. It means that your network administrator or ISP provider can see exactly what websites you visit every day. Usually, only one DNS resolver is used so the provider knows all domains that you visit. Security & Privacy might be at risk. Do you trust your ISP or DNS provider?


We are going block malicious websites & ads by predefined blocklists and also cache DNS entries for faster lookups in the future.


In order to accomplish our goals, we use:

  • Pihole is a DNS sinkhole that protects your devices from unwanted content without installing any client-side software. It block malicious websites and ads.
  • Unbound is a validating, recursive, and caching DNS resolver.


            test1   test2   test3   test4   test5   test6   test7   test8   test9   test10  Average
pihole      2 ms    3 ms    2 ms    3 ms    2 ms    2 ms    3 ms    2 ms    2 ms    2 ms      2.30
quad9       12 ms   12 ms   11 ms   12 ms   11 ms   10 ms   11 ms   11 ms   11 ms   11 ms     11.20
google      11 ms   11 ms   11 ms   13 ms   11 ms   12 ms   11 ms   11 ms   11 ms   11 ms     11.30
cloudflare  22 ms   22 ms   22 ms   22 ms   22 ms   22 ms   20 ms   30 ms   34 ms   20 ms     23.60


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Docker & Docker Compose installed

docker -v
docker-compose -v

Clone the repo

git clone
cd pihole-unbound-dns-stack

Setting up Environmental Variables and config files

Generate a password for Pihole Admin panel:

cp .env.example .env
echo "WEBPASSWORD=`openssl rand -base64 32`" >> .env
chmod 600 .env

Generate a log file for pihole:

mkdir -p ./pihole
touch ./pihole/pihole.log

Copy Unbound config files:

mkdir -p ./unbound
cp unbound-config-examples/a-records.example.conf ./unbound/a-records.conf
cp unbound-config-examples/srv-records.example.conf ./unbound/srv-records.conf
cp unbound-config-examples/unbound.example.conf ./unbound/unbound.conf

There are 2 options for Unbound:

  1. Recursive mode - Unbound will act as a Recursive DNS server, the DNS traffic will not be encrypted
touch ./unbound/forward-records.conf
  1. Fowarding mode - Unbound will act as a forwarding DNS server, it will use DNS over TLS when querying upstream DNS servers
cp unbound-config-examples/forward-records.example.conf ./unbound/forward-records.conf

If you are not sure which one to use, see discussions: here, here, here

Check whether port 53 if available:

sudo lsof -i -P -n | grep ':53 (LISTEN)'

If the result is empty then it's ready to go. If not, then most probably it's systemd-resolve's DNSStubListener running. To disable the DNSStubListener & Cache, run:

sudo sed -r -i.orig 's/#?DNSStubListener=yes/DNSStubListener=no/g' /etc/systemd/resolved.conf
sudo sed -r -i.orig 's/#?Cache=yes/Cache=no/g' /etc/systemd/resolved.conf

Restart systemd-resolve:

sudo systemctl restart systemd-resolved
sudo systemctl status systemd-resolved

Check whether port 53 is freed now:

sudo lsof -i -P -n | grep ':53 (LISTEN)'


docker-compose up -d

You should be able to access now the Pihole Admin panel on <ip_address_of_the_server>/admin (e.g.


Additional blocklists

The default list of blocked domain provided by Pihole is quite small. If you'd like to add more domains, then visit & and add them in the Pihole Admin panel: Panel -> Group Management -> Adlists -> Add a new addlist.

Custom Upstream DNS Resolvers

By default, as upstream DNS resolvers for Unbound are used Cloudflare's and Quad 9's server. They can be adjusted in forward-records.conf config file.

Local DNS entries

If you need to setup some local DNS entries, you can add them in Pihole or Unbound:

  • Pihole: Panel -> Local DNS -> DNS Records or Panel -> Local DNS -> CNAME Records
  • Unbound: add new entries to a-records.conf config file.

DNS over TLS

By default, Unbound is configured to use DNS over TLS for upstream DNS resolvers. See forward-records.conf config file. In order to check whether DoT (DNS over TLS) is enabled, you can visit


If you are curious how performant your Pihole with Unbound is you can test it with dnsperftest.

To run the test following instructions or:

  • install prerequisites
sudo apt install bc dnsutils -y
  • clone the repo
git clone --depth=1
cd dnsperftest
  • insert your Pihole's instance IP address for tests
sed -i '/^PROVIDERS="/a'
  • run the test a few times to allow cache to build itself
./ | sort -k 22 -n

Ideally, pihole should result on average in a very low latency


Debugging Unbound via logs

In order to see how logs should look like, you can visit and test a domain. To achieve the same log level in this stack you need to adjust the verbosity level for unbound:

sed -i 's/verbosity: \d/verbosity: 2/g' ./unbound/unbound.conf

Resolve a domain (replace the IP of the Pihole, adjust the port if needed):

dig @ -p 53

Slow performance



PUDS - Pihole Unbound DNS Stack







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