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Releases: tomaspietravallo/sparkar-volts


30 Jun 01:20
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New ✨

  • Adds spacial partition with Tree and Cube.
    This has experimentally, and demonstrably improved performance by over 5x 🚀

  • Visually debug with Object3D.createDebugMaterial and Cube, Tree.debugVisualize


  • Generally improves Object3D class
  • Object3D body is now fully detached from computations on its values


  • Create a random Vector with defined magnitude using Vector.random3D(mag)
  • Fixes some division bugs
  • Adds Vector.applyQuaternion


  • Adds support for Async load event
  • Values persist in World.snapshot after removing from calling removeFromSnapshot on the keys
  • Adds support for World.mode reliant on the screen size


  • Improves testing
  • Fixes Quaternion snapshot bug
  • Adds minification volts.min.js

Full details on the changes

v3.0.1 - dynamic instancing bug fix

23 Dec 13:58
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Fixes a bug on Pool initialState. Now the feature works as expected

v3.0.0 - new features & improvements

23 Dec 02:05
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This release features many changes that fix and improve current code, and add new features.


  • Quaternion: This class represents 3D spatial rotations, and provides an interface to work with them.
  • Object3D: This class provides an easy interface to Spark's SceneObjects.
  • Pool: This class allows easy dynamic instance spawning.
  • World.onNextTick provides an event that is triggered on the next frame.
  • Plugins: Plugins allow the creating of external files that are loaded by Volts to extend its capabilities. An example of this is the oimo. plugin, which gives the Object3D class RigidBody physics capabilities.


  • The snapshot system has been changed and now allows for the snapshot-ing of QuaternionSignals.
  • Concurrent promises. Now Volts can perform many asynchronous tasks at once.
  • Better error and log messages.
  • Writeable Vectors and Quaternions can be created by simply accessing the signal property.
  • New functions have been added to Vector, including: Vector.fromSignal, Vector.random2D, Vector.random3D, setMag, toArray, setSignalComponents, disposeSignalResources.

Fixes/ other changes:

  • State.setKey is now State.setValue.
  • Single assets are not casted to arrays anymore


  • Object3D.makeRigidBody and the Oimo physics plugin are still beta capabilities. Feedback is, as always, welcomed. #6

There are many bug fixes which are not listed above.

v2.0.2 - type fix

16 Sep 19:51
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Mainly fixes a type issue on Vector instances

v2.0.1 - bug fix

10 Sep 04:12
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  • Fixes: ReferenceError: Property 'jest' doesn't exist

v2.0.0 - Major improvements

10 Sep 03:07
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This release features many changes which make Volts more consistent with itself, as well as introducing some small features & many bug fixes


  • Removes createState, please use State instead
  • Improves State


  • Improves Vector type, class.
  • Significant and minor bug fixes


  • Moves to a singleton syntax, removes __globalVoltsWorldInstance
  • Improves readability and maintainability of code internal to World
  • Hides away non-consumer-facing code (eg. devClear / __clearGlobalInstance())

A lot of improvements go unmentioned here but they include small bug fixes, refactorings that improve maintainability, preventing unhandled promise rejections/ unhelpful messages, and more; things not worthy of being an item on themselves, that add lots to the experience using Volts

v1.1.1 - Improvements & bug fixes

20 Aug 21:49
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  • Changed World.MODE fallback
  • Added vector accessors
  • Improved the State class
  • Renamed createState to State, createState will be supported until v2.0.0

v1.0.1 - Initial stable release

20 Aug 02:25
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  • Vector
  • World
  • createState
  • transformAcrossSpaces

And many, many things within these.

On the dev side: Tests using Jest & mock modules, a lot of bug fixes, and quite a bit of room for expansion for v2.0.0