This is a testing sqlite for sqlcipher library for windows OS There are several build processes by building openssl to sqlcipher library Even more using jdbc library
Here is my summary
Get a msys2 with mingw32 & mingw64
Build OpenSSL version: openssl-1.0.1u -- You must have the version described -- You can make your own openssl library from
./Configure --prefix=$PWD/dist no-shared no-asm mingw make depend make make install
- Build sqlcipher -- It is just my suggestion, you can find your own way. -- Get a source code from git hub
git clone
-- configuration & build with source
./configure --prefix=$PWD/dist
--disable-editline --enable-tempstore=yes
LIBS="-lcrypto -L/mingw/lib -lgcc -lgdi32 -lopengl32" LDFLAGS="-L/home/tobee/openssl/lib"
make make install
- Build sqlcipher-jdbc
-- Get a source code from git hub
git clone
-- Java source compilation You can have your jdbc library just entering 'ant' command in the sqlcipher-jdbc-ant directory
-- Generate jni header for jdbc ant gen-jni
-- open MinGW console Type 'make' in the native directory, then you get a dll file named 'sqlitejdbc.dll'
-- Junit test Open build.xml from the directory Set the proper directory of native.ab.dir for your environment in which the dll file located Then, type 'ant test' Is everything okey?
-- Stand alone test Run SqlcipherTest class while compile the source code from java directory in the tests directory You can find the way of using it, if you are a java programmer.
Have some fun with sqlcipher
Good luck.
Any Question?
send me [email protected]