docutils (a.k.a. reStructuredText / rst / reST) support for Django.
Install django-docutils:
$ pip install django-docutils
Next, add django_docutils
in your settings file:
# ... your default apps,
In your template:
{% load django_docutils %}
{% rst %}
# hey
# how's it going
A. hows
B. it
C. going
D. today
{% endrst %}
In your template:
{% load django_docutils %}
{% filter rst %}
# hey
# how's it going
A. hows
B. it
C. going
D. today
{% endfilter %}
You can also use a class-based view to render reStructuredText (reST).
If you want to use reStructuredText as a django template engine, INSTALLED_APPS
isn't required,
instead you add this to your TEMPLATES
variable in your settings:
# ... Other engines
"NAME": "docutils",
"BACKEND": "django_docutils.template.DocutilsTemplates",
"DIRS": [],
"APP_DIRS": True,
Now django will be able to scan for .rst files and process them. In your view:
from django_docutils.views import DocutilsView
class HomeView(DocutilsView):
template_name = 'base.html'
rst_name = 'home.rst'
# Optional, automatically maps roles, directives and transformers
"docutils": {
"raw_enabled": True,
"strip_comments": True,
"initial_header_level": 2,
"roles": {
"local": {
"gh": "django_docutils.lib.roles.github.github_role",
"twitter": "django_docutils.lib.roles.twitter.twitter_role",
"email": "",
"directives": {
"code-block": "django_docutils.lib.directives.code.CodeBlock",
# Optional
"uncapitalized_word_filters": ["project.my_module.my_capitalization_fn"]
- Python 3.9+
- Django 4.2+