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Releases: tonyc/open890


01 Jun 18:29
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1.2.0 - 2024-06-01

  • Added the ability to remotely wake the radio from the connections listing.
  • Reworked the connections screen to be a LiveView.
  • Added the ability to configure the UDP audio port from 60001 via OPEN890_UDP_PORT
  • Updated startup message to explain how to control the server host and port through OPEN890_HOST and OPEN890_PORT
  • Fixed PROC on/off state not correctly queried on startup
  • Further fixes to purple TF SET indicator (WIP)


22 Dec 14:30
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  • Added the ability to transmit audio through the browser.

20 Nov 12:06
Choose a tag to compare - 2023-11-20

  • Fixed TF SET display
  • Added purple TF SET carrier indicator


18 Nov 20:23
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1.0.8 - 2023-11-18

  • Added PROC toggle, track speech processor input/output levels.
  • Corrected A/B VFO tracking during TF SET.
  • Fixed waterfall scrolling while in CENTER mode with RIT enabled.


13 Aug 14:43
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1.0.7 - 2023-08-13

  • Fixed the inability to use the RF power slider
  • Improved direct frequency entry when typing e.g. "14.2" or ".830"
  • Disabled a setting which caused excessive log statements in the browser console.


10 Aug 13:02
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  • [DEV] Upgraded to Phoenix 1.7.7, Phoenix LiveView 0.19.5
  • Added direct frequency entry. Type "Enter" on your keyboard, or click the main VFO to open the band select dialog. Type your frequency and hit "Enter" again, or click ENT.
  • Reworked the UI layout of the band select/direct frequency entry pop-up.
  • UX CHANGE: Swapped the behavior of mousewheel vs/shift+mousewheel. Mousewheel will now increment or decrement by the current step size, determined by the FINE state. Shift + mousewheel will perform MULTI/CH up/down.
  • Added FINE button
  • Added RF Power slider (#109)
  • Windows: Added a 'pause' call at the end of open890.bat to make it easier to see possible errors.
  • Added user-defined markers. Keyboard mm/mr/mg/mb to create, cc/cr/cg/cb to clear. See the wiki for more information. (#116)

20 Apr 15:43
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1.0.5 - 2023-04-20

  • Fix crash related to turning Mic Gain all the way up to 100 (#115)
  • Added MHz button indicator (#112)


20 Apr 15:36
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05 Apr 16:07
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1.0.4 - 2023-04-05

  • Fixed incorrect passband polygon in certain cases when in memory mode. (#105)
  • Fixed inconsistent mousewheel steps when overing over spectrum vs. waterfall.
  • Made the MACRO button section two columns.
  • Radio screen now redirects to connection list when it can't find the requested connection ID.
  • Resolved an issue where the audio scope filter edges disappear when stopping and restarting a connection (#105)
  • Updated docker-compose.yml and documentation to forward UDP port 60001, to allow audio streaming when using the Docker image (#108)
  • Added Span kHz readout on main bandscope
  • Fixed a startup crash related to not knowing the filter width when displaying the audio filter edges.
  • Added favicon/browser tab icons (#106)
  • Fixed incorrectly-shifted passband polygon for FSK/PSK modes (#97)
  • [Dev] Removed dependency on 'timex', 'poison', 'elixir_math', 'ecto', 'phoenix_live_dashboard' packages.
  • [Dev] Upgraded to latest released version of Phoenix 1.16 to prepare for further update
  • [Dev] Tools update: new versions of Elixir, Erlang, and NodeJS required to build
  • Implemented fixed scope mode vertical bandscope grid lines.
  • [Dev] Cleaned up several compilation warnings
  • [Dev] Converted deprecated ~e{} Phoenix Liveview sigil to ~H function components
  • Added experimental MacOS binary build support (edit - removed because it does not seem to work - tonyc)


25 Nov 21:21
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  • Fixed error on the pop-out standalone bandscope.