reliability-stability is a simple python package, which takes a csv or other pandas compatable data file and gives the reliability and stability of three columns for test-retest reliability and stability.
The reliability and stability calculations, as well as an assumption test, are based on the 1969 paper from Heise, D. R. 'Separating Reliability and Stability in Test-Retest Correlation'.
pip install reliability stability:
>>> pip install reliability-stability-calc
To the extent possible under law,
Lillian Eisner
has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to
Reliability Stability.
This work is published from:
United States.
reliability stability is a python package with fuctions defined to:
- calculate correlation between two data columns (calc_correlation)
- calculate the test-retest reliability between three data columns (calc_reliability)
- calculate the test-retest stability between three data columns (calc_stability)
- perform an assumption test with a fourth column (assumption_test)
- implement a bootstap test to test assumptions (bootstrap_assumption_test)
Refer to the documentation for more examples and narrative guides.
Heise, D. R. (1969). Separating reliability and stability in test-retest correlation. American Sociological Review, 34(1), 93–101.