A Ruby gem to transform HTML into PDFs, PNGs or JPEGs using Google Puppeteer and Chromium.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'grover'
npm install puppeteer
# Grover.new accepts a URL or inline HTML and optional parameters for Puppeteer
grover = Grover.new('https://google.com', format: 'A4')
# Get an inline PDF
pdf = grover.to_pdf
# Get a screenshot
png = grover.to_png
jpeg = grover.to_jpeg
# Get the HTML content (including DOCTYPE)
html = grover.to_html
# Options can be provided through meta tags
Grover.new('<html><head><meta name="grover-page_ranges" content="1-3"')
Grover.new('<html><head><meta name="grover-margin-top" content="10px"')
- options are underscore case, and sub-options separated with a dash
- all options can be overwritten, including
It's easy to render a normal Rails view template as a PDF, using Rails' render_to_string
html = MyController.new.render_to_string({
template: 'controller/view',
layout: 'my_layout',
locals: { :@instance_var => ... }
pdf = Grover.new(html, grover_options).to_pdf
If calling Grover directly (not through middleware) you will need to either specify a display_url
or modify your
HTML by converting any relative paths to absolute paths before passing to Grover.
This can be achieved using the HTML pre-processor helper:
absolute_html = Grover::HTMLPreprocessor.process relative_html, 'http://my.server/', 'http'
This is important because Chromium will try and resolve any relative paths via the display url host. If not provided,
the display URL defaults to http://example.com
There are many scenarios where specifying a different host of relative paths would be preferred. For example, your server might be behind a NAT gateway and the display URL in front of it. The display URL might be shown in the header/footer, and as such shouldn't expose details of your private network.
If you run into trouble, take a look at the debugging section below which would allow you to inspect the page content and devtools.
Grover can be configured to adjust the layout of the resulting PDF/image.
For available PDF options, see https://github.com/puppeteer/puppeteer/blob/main/docs/api.md#pagepdfoptions
Also available are the emulate_media
, cache
, viewport
, timeout
and launch_args
# config/initializers/grover.rb
Grover.configure do |config|
config.options = {
format: 'A4',
margin: {
top: '5px',
bottom: '10cm'
user_agent: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:47.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/47.0',
viewport: {
width: 640,
height: 480
prefer_css_page_size: true,
emulate_media: 'screen',
bypass_csp: true,
media_features: [{ name: 'prefers-color-scheme', value: 'dark' }],
timezone: 'Australia/Sydney',
vision_deficiency: 'deuteranopia',
extraHTTPHeaders: { 'Accept-Language': 'en-US' },
geolocation: { latitude: 59.95, longitude: 30.31667 },
focus: '#some-element',
hover: '#another-element',
cache: false,
timeout: 0, # Timeout in ms. A value of `0` means 'no timeout'
launch_args: ['--font-render-hinting=medium'],
wait_until: 'domcontentloaded'
For available PNG/JPEG options, see https://github.com/puppeteer/puppeteer/blob/main/docs/api.md#pagescreenshotoptions
Note that by default the full_page
option is set to false and you will get a 800x600 image. You can either specify
the image size using the clip
options, or capture the entire page with full_page
set to true
For viewport
options, see https://github.com/puppeteer/puppeteer/blob/main/docs/api.md#pagesetviewportviewport
For launch_args
options, see http://peter.sh/experiments/chromium-command-line-switches/
Launch parameter args can also be provided using a meta tag:
For timezone
IDs see ICUs metaZones.txt.
Passing nil
disables timezone emulation.
The vision_deficiency
option can be passed one of achromatopsia
, deuteranopia
, protanopia
, tritanopia
or none
The focus
option takes a CSS selector and will focus on the first matching element after rendering is complete
(including waiting for the specified wait_for_selector
The hover
option takes a CSS selector and will hover on the first matching element after rendering is complete
(including waiting for the specified wait_for_selector
<meta name="grover-launch_args" content="['--disable-speech-api']" />
For wait_until
option, default for URLs is networkidle2
and for HTML content networkidle0
For available options see https://github.com/puppeteer/puppeteer/blob/main/docs/api.md#pagegotourl-options
The wait_for_selector
option can also be used to wait until an element appears on the page. Additional waiting parameters can be set with the wait_for_selector_options
options hash. For available options, see: https://github.com/puppeteer/puppeteer/blob/main/docs/api.md#pagewaitforselectorselector-options.
The wait_for_timeout
option can also be used to wait the specified number of milliseconds have elapsed.
The Chrome/Chromium executable path can be overridden with the executable_path
Javascript can be executed on the page (after render and before conversion to PDF/image)
with the execute_script
For requesting a page with basic authentication, username
and password
options can be provided. Note that this
only really makes sense if you're calling Grover directly (and not via middleware).
Grover.new('<some URI with basic authentication', username: 'the username', password: 'super secret').to_pdf
To set request cookies when requesting a URL, pass an array of hashes as such
N.B. Only the name
and value
properties are required.
See page.setCookies documentation for more details.
myCookies = [
{ name: 'sign_username', value: '[email protected]', domain: 'mydomain' },
{ name: '_session_id', value: '9c014df0b699d8dc08d1c472f8cc594c', domain: 'mydomain' }
Grover.new('<some URI with cookies', cookies: myCookies).to_pdf
If you need to forward the cookies from the original request, you could extract them as such:
def header_cookies
request.headers['Cookie'].split('; ').map do |cookie|
key, value = cookie.split '='
{ name: key, value: value, domain: request.headers['Host'] }
And give that array to Grover:
Grover.new('<some URI with cookies', cookies: header_cookies).to_pdf
To add style tags, pass an array of style tag options as such See page.addStyleTag documentation for more details.
style_tag_options = [
{ url: 'http://example.com/style.css' },
{ path: 'style.css' },
{ content: '.body{background: red}' }
Grover.new('<html><body><h1>Heading</h1></body></html>', style_tag_options: style_tag_options).to_pdf
To add script tags, pass an array of script tag options as such See page.addScriptTag documentation for more details.
script_tag_options = [
{ url: 'http://example.com/script.js' },
{ path: 'script.js' },
{ content: 'document.querySelector("h1").style.display = "none"' }
Grover.new('<html><body><h1>Heading</h1></body></html>', script_tag_options: script_tag_options).to_pdf
If you want to have the header or footer display the page URL, Grover requires that this is passed through via the
option. This is because the page URL is not available in the raw HTML!
For Rack middleware conversions, the original request URL (without the .pdf extension) will be passed through and
assigned to display_url
for you. You can of course override this by using a meta tag in the downstream HTML response.
For raw HTML conversions, if the display_url
is not provided http://example.com
will be used as the default.
Should be valid HTML markup with following classes used to inject printing values into them:
formatted print datetitle
document titleurl
document locationpageNumber
current page numbertotalPages
total pages in the document
Grover comes with a middleware that allows users to get a PDF, PNG or JPEG view of any page on your site by appending .pdf, .png or .jpeg/.jpg to the URL.
Non-Rails Rack apps
# in config.ru
require 'grover'
use Grover::Middleware
Rails apps
# in application.rb
require 'grover'
config.middleware.use Grover::Middleware
N.B. by default PNG and JPEG are not modified in the middleware to prevent breaking standard behaviours. To enable them, there are configuration options for each image type as well as an option to disable the PDF middleware (on by default).
If either of the image handling middleware options are enabled, the ignore_path should also be configured, otherwise assets are likely to be handled which would likely result in 404 responses.
# config/initializers/grover.rb
Grover.configure do |config|
config.use_png_middleware = true
config.use_jpeg_middleware = true
config.use_pdf_middleware = false
The root_url
option can be specified either when configuring the middleware or as a global option. This is needed
when running the Grover middleware behind a URL rewriting proxy or within a containerised system.
As a middleware option:
# in application.rb
require 'grover'
config.middleware.use Grover::Middleware, root_url: 'https://my.external.domain'
or as a global option:
# config/initializers/grover.rb
Grover.configure do |config|
config.root_url = 'https://my.external.domain'
The ignore_path
configuration option can be used to tell Grover's middleware whether it should handle/modify
the response. There are three ways to set up the ignore_path
- a
which matches the start of the request path. - a
which could match any part of the request path. - a
which accepts the request path as a parameter.
# config/initializers/grover.rb
Grover.configure do |config|
# assigning a String
config.ignore_path = '/assets/'
# matches `www.example.com/assets/foo.png` and not `www.example.com/bar/assets/foo.png`
# assigning a Regexp
config.ignore_path = /my\/path/
# matches `www.example.com/foo/my/path/bar.png`
# assigning a Proc
config.ignore_path = ->(path) do
/\A\/foo\/.+\/[0-9]+\.png\z/.match path
# matches `www.example.com/foo/bar/123.png`
Since the header/footer for Puppeteer is configured globally, displaying of front/back cover pages (with potentially different headers/footers etc) is not possible.
To get around this, Grover's middleware allows you to specify relative paths for the cover page contents. For direct execution, you can make multiple calls and combine the resulting PDFs together.
You can specify relative paths to the cover page contents using the front_cover_path
and back_cover_path
options either via the global configuration, or via meta tags. These paths (with query parameters) are then
requested from the downstream app.
The cover pages are converted to PDF in isolation, and then combined together with the original PDF response, before being returned back up through the Rack stack.
N.B To simplify things, the same request method and body are used for the cover page requests.
# config/initializers/grover.rb
Grover.configure do |config|
config.options = {
front_cover_path: '/some/global/cover/page?foo=bar'
Or via the meta tags in the original response:
<meta name="grover-back_cover_path" content="/back/cover/page?bar=baz" />
To add a cover page using direct execution, you can make multiple calls and combine the results using the
require 'combine_pdf'
# ...
def invoke(file_path)
pdf = CombinePDF.parse(Grover.new(pdf_report_url).to_pdf)
pdf >> CombinePDF.parse(Grover.new(pdf_front_cover_url).to_pdf)
pdf << CombinePDF.parse(Grover.new(pdf_back_cover_url).to_pdf)
pdf.save file_path
To run Grover (Puppeteer) on Heroku follow these steps:
Add the
buildpack. Puppeteer requires a node environment to run.heroku buildpacks:add heroku/nodejs --index=1 [--remote yourappname]
Add the
buildpack. Make sure thepuppeteer
buildpack runs after thenode
buildpack and before the mainruby
buildpack.heroku buildpacks:add jontewks/puppeteer --index=2 [--remote yourappname]
Next, tell Grover to run Puppeteer in the "no-sandbox" mode by setting an ENV variable
on your app dyno. Make sure that you trust all the HTML/JS you provide to Grover.heroku config:set GROVER_NO_SANDBOX=true [--remote yourappname]
If you're having trouble with converting the HTML content, you can enable some debugging options to help. These can be
enabled as global options via Grover.configure
, by passing through to the Grover initializer, or using meta tag
debug: {
headless: false, # Default true. When set to false, the Chromium browser will be displayed
devtools: true # Default false. When set to true, the browser devtools will be displayed.
- The headless option disabled is not compatible with exporting of the PDF.
- If showing the devtools, the browser will halt resulting in a navigation timeout
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/Studiosity/grover.
Note that spec tests are appreciated to minimise regressions. Before submitting a PR, please ensure that:
$ rspec
$ rubocop
both succeed
Thanks are given to the great work done in the PDFKit project. The middleware and HTML preprocessing components were used heavily in the implementation of Grover.
Thanks are also given to the excellent Schmooze project. The Ruby to NodeJS interface in Grover is heavily based off that work. Grover previously used that gem, however migrated away due to differing requirements over persistence/cleanup of the NodeJS worker process.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.