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VintageousPlus (DEPRECATED)

Build Status

VintageousPlus has merged into NeoVintageous in collaboration with @gerardroche

VintageousPlus is a fork of the awesome Vintageous plugin for Sublime Text 3. The original author @guillermooo doesn't seem to be maintaining it anymore, so this fork steps up to merge outstanding PRs and add some new features.

Changes from Vintageous

One major change that isn't a code change is that if you submit PRs, I will review them and likely merge them. Please help me make Vintageous better!

New stuff

  • @guillermooo's surround.vim plugin for Vintageous has been integrated and enabled by default behind a setting.
  • Added the ability to enable/disable bindings via a setting. Now you can PR your fancy extra functionality into this repo and have it be easy for users to enable/disable.

Fixes some minor bugs

  • c_ and d_ no longer cause an error

The following outstanding PRs have been merged


Make sure that Vintage is in the ignored_packages list in your user preferences.

You can install VintageousPlus in multiple ways:

Building from Source
  1. Clone this repository
  2. Optionally, update to a specific tag
  3. Run ./bin/ (OS X/Linux) or bin/Publish.ps1 (Windows).

Refer to the wiki for more information.


See VintageousPlus/Preferences.sublime-settings for a comprehensive list of settings.