Simple Node.JS app to poll Oslo Bysykkel APIs and present a table with bike and locks availability for each station
- Recent version of NodeJS including NPM
- API key obtained by registering on Oslo Bysykkel
Clone repo from GitHub
git clone
Enter cloned repo directory
cd OsloBysykkel
Install necessary NPM packages
npm install
An API key is required to poll the APIs You can either add the API key to a enviroment variable - identifierOsloBysykkel used in this app OR edit the 'identifier' variable in app.js with your API key:
// API Identifier
// In the following code a enviroment variable has been used to store the API identifier. You can also comment this line, and un-comment the next line and enter the key identifier directly.
// var identifier = process.env.identifierOsloBysykkel
var identifier = "enterkeyhere";
Start app from the command line
node app.js
Should return
App started and listening on port *port*!