Food Truck Finder is Application for people who are food lovers and food truck lovers. App will be helpful for locating the nearest food truck or the food truck that user is looking for.
User can register, login, delete account, see all food trucks in his aria, left a review and set a truck as favorite. User Food Truck can register, login, delete account and check in his location and time on the map.
As a user, when I arrive at the home page “/”, I am able to choose to register (with name, email, password and select a type of user (Food Truck or Regular user) and if I select a Food Truck user it will open input field for Description of Food Truck. As a Regular or Food Truck user, I can sign in with email, and password
As a user I can add picture to my profile
As a user, after I successfully log in, I am taken to my dashboard “/dashboard/user/” and I can see a list of food trucks listed by location and navbar with logo and Links to Home, Settings, and LogOut. As a user I can save a food truck to my favorites and see them on my dashboard.
As a user, on dashboard I will have a map with all food trucks around my location.
As a user, I have options to search a truck or click on the map to open more about truck. As a user, when I open more about truck I will get an information about truck and working time for that location.
As a user I can left a review for a food truck
As a Food Truck user, after I successfully log in, I am taken to my Food Truck dashboard “/truck-dashboard” As a Food Truck user, I can checkin my location and time I will be on that location.
As a RegularUser, after I press Settings in navbar I will be forward to “/profile/user” where I can change my name, password and delete my Account
As a Food Truck User, after I press Settings in navbar I will be forward to “/profile/food-truck” where I can change my name, password and delete my Account Stretch: As a user I can update a picture to my profile
FrontEnd: React, Redux, uuid, Axios, Bootstrap, Reactstrap, Google maps API, Font Awesome BackEnd: Java Spring Boot, PostgreSQL
##Home - Login
##Home - Register
- open backend folder wiht ItelliJ and run the app.
- cd to client
- npm start