Hi, I'm Tsitsi!
I am a Security Engineer, and sometimes I code
A repo for simple but essential Python scripts
A currency convertor. I wrote this as part of an interview process, simple, fun challenge.
A Slack Bot. I also wrote this as part of an interview process.
HackerOne CTF solutions. I enjoy CTFs and play them from time to time. Sometimes I document them.
This is my capestone project that I submitted for my Bachelors degree. A lot of research went into this.
My skills
- Scripting (Python, Bash, Ruby, Powershell)
- Web technologies (http/s, ssl/tls, tcp/ip, udp)
- Penetration testing (Kali Linux, Burp Suite, Nessus, Metasploit, Nmap, Nikto, gobuster, ffuf)
- Vulnerability research
- Application security (Secure coding, SAST(SonarQube) and DAST, threat modeling, OWASP Top 10)
- Incident response (Elasticsearch, Splunk)
- Technical report writing
You can contact me on LinkedIn: follow this link.
Or take a look at my blog: here it is, some posts are on medium.
🔭 I’m currently working on : Burp Suite Academy Labs
🌱 I’m currently learning : AWS Security, via the flAWS.cloud project
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on : Bug Bounty exercises
🤔 I’m looking for help with ...
💬 Ask me about : Anything security related, I'll try my best to answer
📫 How to reach me: LinkedIn
⚡ Fun fact: I eat too much ice cream