My OSX / Ubuntu / WSL dotfiles.
I've been using bash for a long time, and had been managing all of my terminal configurations via a custom script that I kept (along with the configs) in a private git repo over on BitBucket. It worked well enough, but since it was in a private repository, I couldn't share my configs with others, mainly because I had bits of private info sprinked all over my configs, server aliases, ssh commands, just a lot of stuff that isn't fit for public comsumption
I switched over to this configuration management setup after finally getting fed up with my shared-history configuation in bash (which I had never managed to get to work quite right) and deciding to jump ship for zsh. Since I was going to be starting over again anyway for my shell config, I decided to start transitioning to a better management setup for all my dotfiles.
- Use zsh by default instead of bash
- Remove all setup for vim (proper emacs config setup forthcoming)
- Added a 'link-private' function for private stuff like .ssh and GPG keys to be synced in a non-public fashion (e.g. Dropbox, Google Drive, rsync, etc.) (inspired by Ted Kulp's take on Cowboy's setup)
- Includes 'zsh-git-prompt' to provide relevant git status information in real time
- By default, any shell will automatically spawn (or connect to an existing) tmux session
- Install Oh My Zsh for it's array of plugins and (especially) git completion
- Import VSCode config & a cask install (gist-based config sync plugin is available)
- Import irssi configuation
- Import gitk configuration
- Convert to GPL License
- Remove additional unneeded/unused packages
- Potentially auto-update on login
- Import utils as a submodule and incorporate
- Add support to install dropbox automagically on ubuntu (Is there already a cask for mac?)
- Minor XCode init via the init/ script
- Homebrew via the init/ script
- Homebrew recipes via the init/ script
- Homebrew casks via the init/ script
- Fonts via the init/ script
- APT packages and git-extras via the init/ script
- APT packages and git-extras via the init/ script
- Node.js and npm using n via the init/ script
I've isntalled this on OS x 10.8 without any issues, after having homebrew installed already
I've set this up on a box running the latest Ubuntu (14.10 Utopic Unicorn) and made some appropriate tweaks to make things run smoothly there (random stuff that I've had kicking around since college)
Copyright (c) 2014 Tim Stackhouse Licensed under the MIT license.