AChart Interpreter (standing for Accessible Chart Interpreter) is a screen reader for charts in SVG format. It provides a short textual summary of a chart and the possibility to explore it interactively using keyboard commands, speech, and textual output. The GUI version of AChart Interpreter is a JavaScript application, which can run as a standalone version (provided with this installation) as well as be integrated into a web page.
In addition, AChart Interpreter contains a command-line tool called AChart Summariser which outputs information about a given SVG chart as markdown plain text to the console.
AChart Interpreter works in tandem with a command-line tool called AChart Creator, which can be used to create semantically enriched acessible SVG charts. It can be found at:
- Screen-reader-friendly text output shown in a panel next to the SVG chart.
- Optional output via speech synthesis independent of any running screen reader.
- Textual summary about title, axis labels, and data of a chart:
- either within the Web application, or
- in the terminal to stdout (using AChart Summariser).
- Navigation within a chart by data series and data points using keyboard or mouse.
- Synchronised highlighting of the selected chart object in both the SVG chart and the textual representation.
- Sorted output of data values.
- Comparison of a particular data point to others.
- Statistics for any data series.
The last stable release of AChart Interpreter (GUI version) can be used online at:
To install AChart Interpreter and AChart Summariser, the following commands are used:
git clone "<repo url>"
npm install
To build and run AChart Interpreter on the local machine, run:
npx gulp
The default browser should automatically open and load the application
including a list of sample SVG charts as well as a button to choose an
SVG file from your local machine. If not, launch a web browser of
choice and open the URL http://localhost:3000
Once the GUI opens in the web browser, an SVG chart can be uploaded or one of the sample SVG charts can be opened. The chart is displayed visually in the Graphic Panel on the left. The Text Panel on the right displays the textual representation of the chart extracted from the SVG. Use the Tab / Shift+Tab keys or the virtual cursor of the screen reader to navigate and Enter, Space, or the left mouse button to activate a particular element.
Built-in speech is enabled by default. Each element is read aloud when it gains focus. Speech output can be interrupted pressing any key or clicking anywhere within AChart Intepreter's window.
To terminate the local web server running AChart Interpreter, press CTRL+C in the terminal window.
The command-line tool AChart Summariser can be built by running:
npx gulp AChartSummariserBuild
To run AChart Summariser, the following syntax is used:
node build/asummarise.js [--output OUTPUT-FILENAME] [--statistics] [--datapoints] [--version] [--help] [--input] SVG-FILENAME
Mandatory arguments:
SVG-FILENAME Specifies the SVG file to analyse. This argument can be
given either as the last command-line parameter or,
alternatively, at any position prepended by --input.
Optional arguments:
--output OUTPUT-FILENAME Writes the output to the specified plain text file.
If not specified, output is written to stdout.
--statistics Additionally outputs statistical information on each data series.
--datapoints Additionally outputs all the data points in the chart.
--version Prints version information and exits.
--help Prints this help message and exits.
All options are case-insensitive. If an argument contains space characters, it should be enclosed in quotation marks (""). Filenames may contain relative or absolute paths. If no path or relative path is given, the current working directory is assumed.
For example:
node build/asummarise.js samples/achart-creator-bar.svg
All source files are located in the directory src
. TypeScript files
are located in the ts
subdirectory. Modules for the GUI version are
located in ts/gui
, whereas those for Achart Summariser are located
in ts/achart-summariser
. Modules used by both tools can be found in
After building the project, the build
directory contains the
generated JavaScript files, as well as the basic HTML page of the
GUI. If AChart Summariser is built, the subdirectory
contains the specific modules for this
tool. The subdirectory common
contains modules used by both tools.
The directory samples
contains some sample SVG charts. These were
provided by Keith Andrews and by Doug Schepers, the developer of
Describler, which highly inspired AChart Interpreter. SVG files whose
names start with achart-creator-
are sample charts generated using
the AChart Creator software.
To build the whole project (GUI version and AChart Summariser) without execution use:
npx gulp build
The default gulp task:
npx gulp run
Or just:
npx gulp
builds and runs AChart Interpreter using Browsersync
gulp watch
for more convenient development.
npx gulp guiBuild
only builds AChart Interpreter (GUI version) without execution.
npx gulp AChartSummariserBuild
only builds AChart Summariser without execution.
The tasks may be modified and other tasks may be added in the
located within the project's root directory.
is used to create a standalone GUI version of AChart Interpreter.
It can be tested on the local machine by running:
npm run electron
To create an executable package containing AChart Interpreter, the command:
npm run create-package-PLATFORM
is used, where PLATFORM
is one of:
- All platformslinux
- Linuxmac
- Macwin
- Windows
The package is created in the folder packages/AChartInterpreter-PLATFORM
This task may take a few minutes to complete. The resulting package
is self-contained and the folder can be copied or relocated elsewhere.
To create a distributable installer, the command:
npm run create-installer-TYPE
is used, where TYPE
is one of:
- Debian, Ubunturpm
- Redhat, Fedora, CentOSdmg
- Macwin
- Windows
The corresponding package must first have been built with npm run create-package-*
, as described above.
The installer is created in the folder installers/PLATFORM
This task may take a few minutes to complete.
A standalone binary executable of AChart Summariser can be built
using nexe
with the following command:
npx gulp AChartSummariserBinary [--target PLATFORM-ARCHITECTURE]
The option --target can be used to specify the build target. PLATFORM stands for the operating system and may be set, for instance, to windows, linux, or mac. ARCHITECTURE specifies the processor architecture and accepts x86 and x64. For a complete list of possible build targets, see: If either of PLATFORM or ARCHITECTURE is omitted or if the option --target is not given, the respective parameter(s) of the build computer is/are used.
The resulting executable file is named asummarise
(or, for Windows,
) and is placed into the directory binaries/TARGET
where TARGET corresponds to the specified build target or, if omitted,
to the platform and architecture of the build computer.
The executable file is self-contained and can be copied or relocated to a different folder. It can be run like this:
./asummarise prices.svg
GitHub Pages is used to host AChart Interpreter as online application. Once AChart Interpreter has been built successfully, this build can be published as new online version using the following command:
npx gulp publish
Please do so only after verifying that this build is stable and works as intended!
If you're running into authentication / permission problems, see the following:
To remove all temporary files (build/*
, node_modules/*
, installers/*
, binaries/*
, src/ts/build/*
npx gulp cleanall
To remove just all build files (build/*
, packages/*
, binaries/*
, src/ts/build/*
npx gulp clean
For a general introduction to the AChart project, see our paper at the Vis 2024 Workshop on Accessible Data Visualization:
- Keith Andrews and Christopher Alexander Kopel;
Accessible SVG Charts with AChart;
Proc. 1st Workshop on Accessible Data Visualization,
IEEE Vis 2024 (AccessViz 2024), Florida, USA (Virtual);
13 Oct 2024.
For a more detailed description of the AChart project, see Chris Kopel's Master's Thesis:
- Christopher Alexander Kopel;
Accessible SVG Charts with AChart Creator and AChart Interpreter
Master's Thesis, Graz University of Technology, Austria;
16 May 2021.