const anmol = {
pronouns: "He" | "Him",
code: ["Java", "C/C++", "Python", "Swift", ".NET", "Assembly", "Lua", "Pascal"],
askMeAbout: ["web dev", "tech", "app dev", "Testing", "design", "ethical hacking", "gaming"],
technologies: {
desktop: {
microsoft: ["ECDL FULL Certified"],
google: ["IT Specialist Certified", "GCP Certified", "Analytics Pro"],
apple: ["Apple Developer Academy"],
mobileApp: {
native: ["Apple Foundation Program", "Apple Developer Academy"]
oS: ["Windows", "Linux", "MacOS", "Android", "iOS", "Windows Server"],
databases: ["Oracle", "MySql", "SQL"],
misc: ["Wordpress", "IntelliJ", "Visual Studio", "UML", "PHP", "HTML", "CSS", "General Stuff"]
ethicalHacking: {
dos/ddos: ["Slow Loris", "FTP flood", "UDP flood", "TCP flood", "ICMP flood", "SYN flood", "Ufonet Botnet"],
endpointSecurity: ["Kaspersky Endpoint Security Pro", "Defender Endpoint", "Cloudflare"],
portScanner: ["Nmap", "Nessus", "SuperScan"],
exploit: ["Metasploit", "Social Engineering"],
monitorTool: ["Netlimiter", "Wireshark", "Glasswire"]
wifi: ["Aircrack-ng"]
misc: ["WinSCP", "Putty"]
currentFocus: "Java Development",
funFact: "There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works"
💡 I like to explore new technologies and develop software solutions and quick hacks.
🎓 Graduated at Apple Developer Academy and University Federico II as Software Engineer.
⚓ I'm currently working for MSC Cruises ⚓ as Software Engineer.
🌱 I'm on track for learning more about Artificial Intelligence, Systems Design, and Cloud Architecture.
✍️ In my free time, I pursue Graphic Design and Blog Writing as hobbies/side hustles.
💬 Feel free to reach out to me for some interesting discussion.