Hyatt Hotels
- Chicago, IL
- http://crimsonknight78.blogspot.com
Typhoeus wraps libcurl in order to make fast and reliable requests.
turnerking / pry
Forked from pry/pryan IRB alternative and runtime developer console
A runtime developer console and IRB alternative with powerful introspection capabilities.
turnerking / apprentice-us
Forked from redsquirrel/apprentice-usA place for development shops to find apprentices. A place for apprentices to find apprenticeships.
A place for development shops to find apprentices. A place for apprentices to find apprenticeships.
Rails app that will allow you add courses and submit scores
A tool to keep track of Final Fantasy Tactics (PS) characters, including job levels, points to mastery, and remaining requirements for jobs
turnerking / page_versioning
Forked from astashov/page_versioningExtension for the Radiant CMS. Allows you to save and review all changes of the pages, snippets and layouts.
Extension for the Radiant CMS. Allows you to save and review all changes of the pages, snippets and layouts.