This is a leiningen plugin that just watches for changes in your Hiccup source files. "Hiccup is a library for representing HTML in Clojure".
To use this plugin across your projects, put [hiccup-watch "0.1.1"]
into the :plugins
vector of your :user
Or if you are on Leiningen 1.x do lein plugin install hiccup-watch 0.1.1
To install this plugin at a project level, put [hiccup-watch "0.1.1"]
into the :plugins
vector of your project.clj.
You can set this configuration {:hiccup-watch {:input-dir "in/" :output-dir "out/"}}
in your project.clj. Then you can just call the plugin like so.
$ lein hiccup-watch
Or you can just pass in those parameters directly. This also acts as an override to the configured values.
$ lein hiccup-watch :input-dir in/ :output-dir out/
Copyright © 2014 Interrupt Software Inc.
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.