Due to twitter going to a paid API this project is no longer going to be maintained. I am not paying $100/month for API access just to create a library that I wont be making any money on.
Library is currently in alpha and the API might change as the Twitter v2 API changes
Tweedle is an Android library built around the Twitter v2 API built fully in Kotlin using Kotlin Coroutines
class MainViewModel: ViewModel() {
val oauth2 = OAuth2(token)
private val _tweetLookup:TweetsLookup = TweetsLookup(oauth2)
fun getTweet(tweetId:Long):LiveData<Response<SingleTweetPayload?>>{
val liveData:MutableLiveData<Response<SingleTweetPayload?>> = MutableLiveData<Response<SingleTweetPayload?>>()
val response = _tweetLookup.getTweet(tweetId)
return liveData
_viewModel.getTweet(1299418846990921728).observe(this, Observer {
is Response.Error -> {it.exception}
is Response.Success -> it.data
Tweedle also supports streaming in real time of current tweets based on filters/rules applied
Creating a filter
You can easily create a filter with the filter builder
Say we want to stream tweets that come in for the hashtag #SundayMorning
and only in english. That filter would look like this
val filters:MutableList<Add> = mutableListOf()
val filter: Filter = Filter.Builder()
See additional examples here as well as the twiter documentation about creating filters here
(Streaming only supports OAuth2)
val oAuth2 = OAuth2(token)
val _tweetStream = TweetsStream(oAuth2)
val addRule = Add(filter.filter, "Sunday Morning")
val rule = Rule(filters)
_tweetStream.addRules(token, rule)
Currently Twitter only supports 25 filters/rules per API key
To start streaming tweets call the startTweetStream
_tweetStream.startTweetStream().collect {
is Response.Success -> Log.d("TWEET", it.data.data.text)
Collect is called every time a new tweet is received
To read about how to authenticate with the api see authentication
To start using Tweedle, include the dependency in your build.gradle
buildTypes {
debug { matchingFallbacks = ['release'] }
implementation 'io.github.tyczj:tweedle-android:{tweedle_version}'