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🥗 ARDAC Explorer

Initial setup

Install dependencies

Install nvm on your workstation if you have not already:

Then run:

nvm use lts/hydrogen
npm install

Set environment variables if necessary

The following environment variables can be set to change the API and map service endpoints:

Environment variable Default


Run locally in development mode

Serve with hot reload at http://localhost:3000:

npm run dev

Development notes

Adding a new item

Determine a 'slug' for the item. The slug is a unique but human-readable ID for the item that will be visible in the URL.

  1. Add the slug for the new item to types/slugs.d.ts
  2. Add any new tags for the new item to types/tags.d.ts
  3. Add the item in assets/items.ts:
    • slug: the slug ID
    • title: the 'headline'
    • blurb: short text description, single line/paragraph, no HTML please
    • tags: array of tags
    • image: image filename, corresponds to public/previews folder
    • imageAlt: alt text for accessibility

The item is now available for use in static layouts and will be included in any pages that display all results for a tag. Static examples:

<!-- display only headline, show primary tag -->
<ItemBrief slug="indicator-ftc" showTag />

<!-- headline + blurb, no tags shown -->
<ItemText slug="sea-ice-concentration" />

<!-- headline, blurb, photo (if present), don't show tags -->
<ItemTextPicture slug="indicator-dw" />

To build the actual content for the item, add a Vue component in components/global named according to the slug pattern in CamelCase, i.e. map-permafrost would become MapPermafrost. From the command line in the root of the project directory:

npx nuxi add component global/MapPermafrost

...which will add a Vue SFC file in the right place. Now, that component can be accessed by clicking on the item you just created.

Connecting people / bios

When adding an item, consider if you should tag a person with the bio brief. The guidelines are approximate, but consider doing this when:

  • It's a narrative story item
  • It's a new thing
  • The people you'd tag created the data or tech. (If SNAP techs just do QA/QC and ingest/prep, we would not tag them; same for programmers who worked on features).

Use the Bios component, for example,

<Bios :people="['Hajo Eicken', 'Scott Rupp']" />

When adding someone new:

  • add an image to /public/images/people
  • add them to the types/people.d.ts
  • add the bio itself in assets/bios.ts
  • add the person to the /people page

Converting Jupyter notebooks to items

Follow the pattern used in the global/NotebookPermObsTemp component. To transform the HTML before copy/pasting it into the slot, activate a Conda environment with Jupyter and nbconvert and tidy (probably already installed in MacOS) then:

jupyter nbconvert --to html --template basic notebook.ipynb
tidy -i -m notebook.html
sed -i '' 's/class\=\"input\"//' notebook.html

This does a bit of cleanup and removes one class that will clash with Bulma. Finally, copy paste everything in the <body> tag of the cleaned HTML into the <slot> in the NotebookTemplate component.


Enable website hosting on the AWS S3 bucket:

The following command should be run only during the initial setup of the S3 bucket. Do not run this command again or it will wipe out the S3 website redirection rules.

aws s3 website s3:// --index-document index.html --error-document index.html

Add website redirection rules to S3 bucket

Website redirection rules need to be added to the S3 bucket for data to hydrate properly when a report is referenced directly by its URL (permalink).

From the AWS web interface for the S3 bucket, go to:

Properties → Static website hosting → Edit

In the "Redirection rules" text area, add the following:

        "Condition": {
            "HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals": "404"
        "Redirect": {
            "HostName": "",
            "Protocol": "http",
            "ReplaceKeyPrefixWith": "#!/"
        "Condition": {
            "HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals": "403"
        "Redirect": {
            "HostName": "",
            "Protocol": "http",
            "ReplaceKeyPrefixWith": "#!/"

Code in app.vue catches and routes these redirects into fully hydrated report pages.

Build preview

Run the statically built website locally:

npm run build
npm run preview


Set environment variables if necessary, then run:

npm run generate
aws s3 cp dist s3:// --acl public-read --recursive

You will also need to invalidate the CloudFront cache for Use the following CLI command:

aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution-id EW659H9IK8XAT --paths "/*"