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Docker Compose based Jenkins Operations Center by CloudBees environment.

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JOC setup using docker-compose

Docker Compose based Jenkins Operations Center by CloudBees environment.

Uses Docker Compose to build a Jenkins Operations Center by CloudBees environment using Docker containers.

Mostly specific to Mac OS X but should work on Windows and Linux as well.

###Install Instructions

  • Install boot2docker

  • Install Docker Compose

  • Run boot2docker and add bip and dns docker daemon default options

    • boot2docker ssh

    • vi /var/lib/boot2docker/profile Note: This file maynot exist if you are setting up for the first time

    • Add the following line and save: EXTRA_ARGS="-bip= -dns -dns"

    • Exit ssh and restart boot2docker: boot2docker restart

    • Update the VirtualBox network adapter (vboxnet - number may vary) Promiscuous Mode to Allow All

      Note: Virtual Box --> boot2docker-vm --> Settings --> Network --> Adapter 2 --> Promiscous Mode --> Allow All

  • Route traffic from Mac OS X to boot2docker VM IP: sudo route -n add -net <BOOT2DOCKER_IP>

    • BOOT2DOCKER_IP retrieved via boot2docker ip. Default is
  • Configure OS X to use dnsdock DNS by creating the file /etc/resolver/docker with content of nameserver

    NOTE: If the directory /etc/resolver doesn't exist create one sudo mkdir -p /etc/resolver

  • Clone this repo to (that is what the Jenkins HOME default setting points to on the Mac: /path/to/docker-compose-joc/

  • If you wouldl like to have your Jenkins HOME directory somewhere else you need to update the docker-compose.yml file:

    • Update /path/to/docker-compose-joc/ under dnsdock -> volumes to point to where you want your Jenkins HOME directory.

    NOTE: You could have several different directories configured for different demos and just change this to point to the demo you want to run.

  • Run the setup docker-compose up -d and docker-compose logs to view the logs

    • To stop the setup docker-compose stop

###Setup Includes

###Gotchas If you are no longer able to access docker container hosts via Mac OS X:

  • Check that the route is correct: sudo route -n add -net
    • Gateway should be boot2docker ip
  • Make sure you are able to ping the boot2docker ip - ex (the IP may vary): ping from Mac OS X
  • Check to see that the ip route you added, still points to your boot2docker ip - sudo route -n get
   route to:
  interface: vboxnet0
 recvpipe  sendpipe  ssthresh  rtt,msec    rttvar  hopcount      mtu     expire
       0         0         0         0         0         0      1500         0
  • You may have to flush DNS cache - on Yosemite use: sudo discoveryutil mdnsflushcache

    Update : 04/22/15 - dockerfile/haproxy image was missing from docker hub. To create that container locally Checkout

$ git clone
$ cd haproxy
$ docker build -t dockerfile/haproxy .
$ docker images

Confirm that dockerfile/haproxy image exists

###Customize this setup

  • You should probably fork this repo, but not absolutely necessary
  • Checkout a new branch or tag: git checkout -b workflow-demo master
  • Update docker-compose.yml to include whatever additional Docker containers you may need - dnsdock will automatically expose them to Mac OS X, so you could for example create a Jetty container with the environment parameters DNSDOCK_NAME=staging and a DNSDOCK_IMAGE=jetty and if you didn't change the dnsdock defautls, your new jetty container will be available at http://staging.jettty.docker
  • You may keep the base Jenkins joc and apiteam or start completely from scratch by removing the var directory. At start up, Jenkins Enterprise and JOC will rebuild the respective working directories from scracth - so this may take some time.

You can have as many branches for different demo scenarios that you can think of...


Docker Compose based Jenkins Operations Center by CloudBees environment.






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