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RIOS - Raster I/O Simplification

A set of Python modules which makes it easy to write raster processing code in Python. It is built on top of GDAL.


  • Handles the details of opening and closing files.
  • Checks alignment of projection and raster grid.
  • Steps through the raster in small blocks to reduce memory requirements.
  • Strong, flexible support for concurrency in reading/computation/writing
  • and more...

This allows the programmer to concentrate on the processing involved.

RIOS was written for our own use, and comes without any warranty or assurance that it might even be useful. But if anyone else is silly enough to want it, they are welcome to use it.


  • Click on the Releases link and select the latest tarball
  • Also available from conda-forge


Sphinx documentation is available at


GPL 3, see LICENSE.txt