(installable viabrew install mint
mint install uberbruns/SwiftSchulze
Tool for calculating the winner of an election by letting voters cast their vote in form of a ranked list of candidates.
Usage: schulze
-r,--ranking <Ranking>:
A comma separated ranking of candidates casted by one voter. Repeat this option for every participant.
-f,--format <Format>:
The output format ('plain' or 'json').
Takes a list of votes from standard input. Every line should contain a comma separated ranking.
-p,--path <Path>:
Use this option to provide a path to a file containing the casted rankings. Every line should contain the candidates ranked by one voter seperated via comma.
-d,--directory <Directory>:
Use this option to provide a directory containing .txt files. Every file should contain the candidates ranked by one voter. One candidate per line.
Prints this help page.
This project is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.