Please note that the Ubiquits project has moved over to (
The API's are unchanged, it is just a project rename. All npm references have change from @ubiquits/
to @zerothstack/
Apologies for any inconvenience.
This repository is the quickstart repository. See for documentation on how to get started using the Ubiquits CLI.
Ubiquits is currently in developer preview (alpha) phase. Follow for updates
Ubiquits is a typescript full stack framework, with primary goals being cross-environment reusability and api rigidity achieved through strong typing with isomorphic components and documentation/test automation.
- Angular(2) at it's core. There is no need to reinvent the wheel, and where possible Ubiquits will use Angular components
- API first (or only). A Ubiquits application can be just a REST api with no frontend
- Strict, standards compliant API - strict interfaces for API design conforms to REST standards and best practices, allowing for easy interoperability of components (first or third party)
- Common components between front & back end. Models, mocks, utilities etc are all platform independent
- Easy integration. A developer should be able to integrate a full stack component with only an npm install
- Seamless (and continuous) deployment. Deploys should be completely hassle free, including database migrations