Hi everyone,
In order to show that the last security flaw that I discovered is really a security flaw (unlike what the sec guys of facebook are saying), I've written a small bash script that:
- Generates random phone number (you chose the format)
- Then looks up for the corresponding name, you must have Tor installed, as well as wget, curl and torsocks
- You can run multiple instances of that script, do not use excessive number of tor instances when the script will ask for a port range (10 to 20 ports is good), also do not run excessive number of instances (the number of the ports divided by 2 is good enough)
- To terminate each instance, press Ctrl-C, it will then ask you if you want to kill all tor instances, say "no" if you have other instances of the script runing
- It will than outputs ix.io link where have been uploaded found number
- You can paste the link here (in reddit) if you wish so we can construct a big database to show to FB that it is really a security issue ;-).