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Nvim configuration


🚀 Getting Started

  • Make a backup of your current Neovim files:
mv ~/.config/nvim ~/.config/nvim.bak
mv ~/.local/share/nvim ~/.local/share/nvim.bak
  • Clone nvimrc
git clone ~/.config/nvim
  • Remove the .git folder, so you can add it to your own repo later
rm -rf ~/.config/nvim/.git
  • Start Neovim!

⚡️ Requirements

  • Neovim nightly or latest version. See here and here
  • a Nerd Font (optional). See here
  • a C compiler for nvim-treesitter. See here

⌨️ Keymaps


✨ Features

📁 File Structure

├── config
│   ├── init.lua         -- configure of icons, close_with_q list, etc.
│   ├── lazy.lua         -- configure lazy.nvim
│   ├── autocmds.lua
│   ├── keymaps.lua
│   └── options.lua
├── plugins
│   ├── ui.lua           -- UI Appearance
│   ├── editor.lua       -- Editor Features
│   ├── coding.lua       -- Coding Features
│   ├── lsp.lua
│   ├── dap.lua
│   ├── test.lua
│   ├── treesitter.lua
│   └── extras
│       ├── tools
│       │   ├── database.lua
│       │   ├── plantuml.lua
│       │   ├── rest.lua
│       │   └── ...
│       └── lang         -- language specific extension modules
│           ├── yaml.lua
│           ├── python.lua
│           ├── go.lua
│           ├── ...
│           +-- spec.lua
└── util.lua

Contents of ui, editor and coding:

  • UI Appearance: statusline, tabline, winbar, scrollbar, indent, icons, notify, messages, cmdline, popupmenu, etc.
  • Editor Features: which-key, fuzzy finder, file explorer, outline, jump, git signs, todo comments, auto-resize windows, etc.
  • Coding Features: auto completion, snippets, comments, refactoring, auto pairs, etc.