A plugin-document for use with cogent roleplay, set in the world of the Witcher.
The document is a pdf file created with LaTeX, and currently in a very early version. Since it is prone to regular changes, I don't yet see a reason to publish a compiled PDF somewhere else, since I couldn't guarantee it would always be up-to-date, anyways.
Propositions or corrections are always welcome, just message me at [email protected]
To those unfamiliar with the LaTeX:
In order to create a regular PDF-file from the source code, install some version of LaTeX (You should find one appropriate to your system at https://www.latex-project.org/get/, for example). You will then need to clone all the files in this repository to a folder of your choice, then open your system's equivalent to a command line in said folder and execute
latexmk 'Witcher Plugin.tex'
This should create a bunch of auxiliary files and, most importantly, a readable PDF-file. Note that, since I try to link to other parts of the document whereever possible, it may take two compilations until the links are resolved (until then, their respective places will be filled by questionmarks).