The building schematic of Vienna in the late 1920s was a knowledge base for real estate and finance business. At this time, the schematic was published on paper. The Wienbibliothek im Rathaus scanned the documents and distribute the Häuser-Kataster der Bundeshauptstadt Wien online in PDF format. We converted the PDFs into a machine-readable format.
The dataset includes 42,861 data entries (rows), which stand for buildings and properties, respectively. It includes 12 data fields (columns) as followed:
- Eight data fields originate from the Häuser-Kataster der Bundeshauptstadt Wien with data records from the late 1920s: urban district number, street name, building number, position in a row of buildings, property area, number of floors, year of construction, year of purchase.
- Two data fields have been supplemented to facilitate geotagging. They include data records of the late 2010s: cadastral community number, street name.
- Two data fields have been supplemented to facilitate usability: identification number for each data entry, page number - which refers the the PDF page numbering of the Häuser-Kataster der Bundeshauptstadt Wien
This repository includes the following key files.
- Dataset: The CSV file includes the data records.
- Codebook, which specifies the dataset format, the data fields and comments the data fields.
- R-Code for the Technical Validation of the Dataset
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International.